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二自由度铰接车越障时的运动方向偏移研究( 寇伟刘昕 (吉林大学 机械科学与工程学院,长春 130022) θ2,轮地接触角发生改变,产生了运动方向偏移现象。 关键词 中图分类号 文献标识码 A Researchmotion direction displacement of 2DOF articulated vehicle surmounting obstacle KOU Wei LIU Xin-hui (school) Abstract:When two degrees of freedom (2DOF) articulated vehicle traverses uneven terrain as autonomous vehicles, need to analyze the course of vehicle surmount obstacle and establish kinematic models for designing the motion control algorithms of 2DOF articulated vehicle. The kinematic equations of 2DOF articulated vehicle are derived based on D-H method. Simulate and analyze 2DOF articulated vehicle traversing the asymmetric terrain, the motion direction generates displacement. According to analyze the differential kinematic equations, the vehicle generates pitch angle θ2, and the wheel-terrain contact angles also change, then 2DOF articulated vehicle travels displacement. Key words: 2-DOF articulated vehicle; D-H method; surmount obstacle; direction displacement Author resumes:KOU Wei(1984-), Female, doctoral student, +86-431 xieyusufeng@163.com; LIU Xinhui(1962-), male, professor, +86-431liuxh@. 0 引言 某些轮式移动机械(如轮式装载机、移动机器人或野外作业车)通常需在复杂地形下工作,为了适应复杂的地形,防止越障时车辆倾翻,出现了被动适应地形的全地形移动车辆(All-Terrain Vehicle)[1,2,3,4,5],全地形移动车辆增加了车辆的自由度,虽然能被动适应地形,但是也增加了车辆连续越障时的操控难度的二自由度铰接车二自由度铰接车的越障本文1 铰接车越障时的运动学方程 二自由度铰接车分为前后车体,前后车体中间连接有二自由度铰链,可以左右横摆和扭转来自适应复杂的地形,铰的自由度用横摆θ1和扭转θ2描述,如图1所示。 图1 二自由度铰接车 Fig.1 2-DOF Articulated Vehicle 采用机器人学中的D-H(Denavit-Hartenberg)方法[]建立车体各坐标系如图2所示,设铰接车前车体质到前车体中心轴距离,后车体质到前车体中心轴距离,前后车体轮轴距离均为,车轮半径为,前车中心轴长,后车中心轴长,D-H坐标变换以 作为起始坐标系,相邻坐标系的D-H参数如表1。 图2 二自由度铰接车D-H坐标系定义 Fig.2 D-H Coordinate frames for 2-DOF Articulated Vehicle 表1 各坐标系的D-H参数 Table 1 D-H coefficients of Coordinate frames n-n+1 θn(°) dn an αn(°) Oa1-Oa2 0 0 0 90 Oa2- Os2 -θ2 b2 0 -90 Os2- Om2 90 h2 0 0 Om2- Oo2 0 - h2 -l2 90 Oo2- Ow2 0 d 0 -90 Oo2- Ow4 0 - d 0 -90 Oa1-Os1 θ1 0 b1 0 Os1-Om1 0 h1 0 0 Om1-Oo1 0 -h1 l1 90 Oo1-Ow1 0 d 0 -90 Oo1-Ow3


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