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目 录 摘 要 1 关 键 词 1 一、 引言 3 二、 文献综述 3 三、 汇率波动对FDI影响的理论分析 3 (一)概念介绍 3 1. 外商直接投资 3 2. 有效汇率 4 (二)汇率水平对FDI影响的相对成本效应和相对财富效应 4 1.相对成本效应 4 2.相对财富效应 4 (三)汇率水平对FDI效应影响的理论分析 4 1.竞争力效应 4 2.部门效应 5 3.区位效应 5 4.财富效应 5 四、 人民币汇率波动对外商直接投资影响的实证分析 5 (一)数据选取及模型构建 5 (二)异方差性检验 6 (三)平稳性检验 7 (四)回归分析及结果 8 五、 结论及政策建议 8 参考文献 10 附 录 11 1.ARCH检验结果 11 2. 修正后模型的ARCH检验结果 11 3.多元线性回归方程估计结果 12 4. 修正后模型的多元线性回归方程估计结果 13 谢 辞 14 摘 要 伴随着我国浮动汇率制度的发展,汇率波动对经济发展的影响日益明显,与此同时我国成为吸引外商直接投资的大国,两者之间的关联与影响也越来越显著,汇率与外商直接投资问题成为我国学者关注的重点。本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上从汇率对外商直接投资的多重效应角度进行理论分析,并借此构建了实证模型,利用山东省1984-2011年的统计数据,选取了人民币实际有效汇率指数以及外商直接投资额作为度量指标并引入居民消费价格指数等变量,采用经典计量方法进行了实证检验。实证结果表明:在短期内汇率波动与外商直接投资存在反向关系,汇率的降低将促进外商直接投资的发展;相反,物价水平与外商直接投资存在正向关系,外商直接投资伴随物价的上升而增加。 关 键 词 人民币汇率波动;实际有效汇率;外商直接投资;回归分析 Abstract With the development of Chinese floating exchange rate regime,it is increasingly significant that exchange rate fluctuations have great impact on economic development. Meanwhile, China has become a country which makes great attraction of FDI. The relationship and influence between exchange rate fluctuations and FDI have drawn much attention of scholars. In this paper, on the basis of drawing on the results of previous studies, it makes theoretical analysis on the view of multiple effects between FDI and exchange rate fluctuations. Then, it builds an empirical model which use statistical data 1984-2011 in Shandong Province. In this model, the RMB real effective exchange rate index as well as foreign direct investment is selected as metrics. It also makes the introduction of explanatory variables such as the consumer price index to take empirical test through classical measured method. The empirical results show that there is a negative relationship between exchange rates fluctuations and FDI in the short term. On the contrary, there is a positive relationship between CPI and FDI. Key words RMB exchange rate fluctuations; real effective exchange rate; FDI; Regression analysis 引言 汇率是一国货币兑换另一国货币的比率,是以一种货币表示另一种货币的价格,而人民币汇率一般


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