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Da Ming temple Dear tourists, welcome to Da Ming temple. Da Ming temple was first built in Southern dynasty (457-464). The name of the year was called “Da Ming”, so the temple was named after the year. Till now, it is more than 1500 years. In its history, it was renamed by the emperor of Qian Long for “fa jing temple” during his fourth trip to the southern China. 各位游客,欢迎参观大明寺。大明寺最初建于南朝,公元457-464。因为年号叫大明,所以寺庙称为大明寺。直到现在,它已有1500年的历史。在历史上,它也被乾隆皇帝称为法净寺,在他第4次南巡期间。 In fact, Da Ming temple is not just a place about Buddhism, it contains five parts. There were many famous people like Ou yang xiu, Su shi, emperor Qian long, Jian Zhen and so on had been here in history. 事实上,大明寺不仅仅是一个寺庙。它是由5个部分组成的。在历史上,也曾有很多的名人如欧阳修,苏轼,乾隆皇帝,鉴真曾经来过。 Now, we are at the gate house .there are two bodhisattvas in the gate house. The monk faced to the south, He is the mile. In the back of Mile, we can see Wei Tuo .He is the protector of the god in the gate house. 现在,我们来到的是山门殿。在山门殿有两尊菩萨。朝南的这尊是弥勒。在弥勒对面的是韦陀,他是山门殿里的护法神。 In the gate house, there are also four celestial kings(four heavenly kings of Buddhism). This is eastern celestial king of the country protector. He represents duty and responsibility. He is there to remind us that we need to be conscientious in our roles and duties in order to make our country to be strong and harmonious. 在山门殿,同时也有四大天王。这个是东方的持国天王,他代表的是责任和义务。他在这里提醒我们,我们需要在工作和职责中尽职尽责,这样才能使我们的国家强大,和谐。 This is southern celestial king of progress. He is holding a sword. The sword is full of wisdom, art and skill. It even includes the improvement in our living standards; this clearly demonstrates that Buddhism is not passive or escapist. A misunderstanding view held by many people. 这是南方增长天王。他手里拿了一把宝剑。这把剑代表智慧,艺术和技术。它甚至代表了我们生活水平的提高。它也很明显的代表了佛并不是被动的,逃避现实的。这是很多人持有的错误观点。 This is western celestial king of Wide Vision; he has a mind which perceives both past and future. He has the ability to observe all beings and bless them. Under his protection, we can have an orderly society, the foundation for


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