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第3讲 推断背景关系,理解意图态度和识别不同语气表达的不同感情 设题形式: Where are the two speakers? Where does the conversation (most likely)take place? 题型特点: 主要从两个方面来考查:一是直接或者间接提到某个地点;二是通过双方交流的信息推断出场景。 解题要领: 要善于抓关键词,用常识进行推理。 内容背景题 (  ) 例Where are the two speakers? (2010·湖南卷Conversation 6) A. In a dining hall. B. In a hospital. C. In a lecture room. 【录音原文】 M: Mary, can I sit here? W: Sure, Mark. What are you having for lunch? Let me see…, whats in your plate? Ah, pork and fried chicken again? M: They are really delicious. And I cannot imagine a meal without meat. W: You never eat vegetables. Thats not good for you. How was your cold, then? Have you seen a doctor? M: Its nothing serious, and its not necessary to bother the doctor. Ive taken some medicine, and Ill be well soon. W: Youre so careless about your health. 【录音原文】 M: Well, do not speak to me like my doctor, I know whats good for me. W: Oh, I finally understand Dr. Kevins lecture. M: What do you mean? W: He said men live shorter than women, because they always pay little attention to their health. 思路点拨:由重点词where可知本题考查场景,再由关键词:女孩的“What are you having for lunch?”可定位到餐厅场景。本题选A。 设题形式: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? What are the two speakers? To whom is the man speaking? 题型特点: 主要考查对说话人关系的把握。 解题要领: 听录音时,要聚焦于与说话人身份或谈话内容相关的信息词。 人物关系题 (  )例What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? (2010·湖南卷Conversation 3) A. Teacher and student. B. Classmates. C. Doctor and patient. 【录音原文】 M: Im thinking about going to the rock concert in the students center tonight. Will you join me? W: Sorry, I dont think Ill go to the concert tonight. Ill have to wait for my doctors call, and then prepare for the exam. M: Are we having an exam tomorrow? W: Yeah, our class will be having a math exam tomorrow morning. Did you forget it? M: Yes, I dont think Ill go to the concert, either. 思路点拨:由题干可知本题考查人物关系。再由录音关键词“our class”和 “having an


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