大学英语 泛读第三册 期末复习答案大学英语 泛读第三册 期末复习答案.doc

大学英语 泛读第三册 期末复习答案大学英语 泛读第三册 期末复习答案.doc

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大学英语 泛读第三册 期末复习答案大学英语 泛读第三册 期末复习答案

大学英语 泛读第三册 期末复习答案 英译中 Leaving aside such gasbags who are after all exceptions rather than the rule, we still have those people who just do not know when to “leave well alone” when they are speaking or explaining something. 废话连篇的人毕竟是个例, 不是惯例, 我们姑且不谈他们。 可是还有些人, 他们说话或说明某些事情的时候,简直不知道什麽时候适可而止。 They are too anxious to make their point that they don’t know when to stop, and seem to think that their listeners are too dim-witted to understand even the simplest of things and everything must be drummed into their heads by repetitions. 他们急于证明自己的观点, 不知什麽时候该打住。 他们似乎以为听众如此 低能,以至于听不懂最简单的事,每件事都要多次重复才能灌输到头脑里去。 Those with the gift of the gab are always popular and are welcomed anywhere, any time.They are the souls of parties and social gatherings. 那些有口才的人总是讨人喜欢,随时随地受欢迎他们是聚会和社交场合的中心人物。 Instead of going back to him to ask for more, I thought it would be much simpler to foot the difference myself as I was sure he would make it up for me later.But I soon found I was sadly mistaken. 我想自己掏钱补上差额再简单不过了,肯定事后他还会给我的。所以,我没有回去向他要钱。 但是,我很快发现我是大错特错了 Speech was my undoing,and silence was my doom. 辩白使我酿成大错, 而沉默使我不可救药。 I had been given local anaesthesia which didn’t seem to have the full on me.I complained to the nurse who administered it and she told me authoritatively that she knew her business and told me not to be too finicky. 我被施予局部麻醉,好像麻醉没有完全发挥作用,于是我对给我做麻醉的护士诉说,但她不容分说, 她说她知道该怎麽做,叫我不要过分挑剔。 The doctor warned me that there would be some pain as another dose of anaesthesia was out of the question. 医生提醒我说会有点疼,因为再打一针麻药是不可能的。 He realized it would take him most of the day just to read the letters;moreover, a similar pile would confront him every morning. 他意识到,仅仅阅读那些信件就得用去他一天的大部分时间,何况每天早晨同样又有一堆信件会出现在他的面前。 If the subject matter were difficult, careful reading was justified;when it was easy,he should have zipped through it. 如果(他阅读的)主要内容读着费力,仔细阅读是理所当然的。 如果不费力,他就该快速阅览了。 Bad readers trudge home with briefcases bulging with material that should have been read on the job.阅读很慢的人,疲惫地把本该工作时间阅读完的材料料塞满公文包带



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