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小学英语课外阅读下册下册 3. NumbersA. 9:00a.m.(Beijing) 10:00a.m.(Tokyo) 8:00p.m.(NewYork) 1:00a.m.(London)A: Look, Mum! So many clocks.B: Yes, I see. It`s 9:00 a.m. in Beijing. But it`s 8:00 p.m. in New York.A: 8:00 p.m. in Beijing.B: Yes. 8:00 in the evening. A: Oh, Thank you.知识百宝箱 clock (n.) 表but(adv.) 但是evening (n.) 傍晚 开动小脑筋对还是错,判断一下,你肯定能行!( ) 1. It’s 8:00 a.m. in New York.( ) 2. There are so many clocks.轻松加油站Let`s Chant One, two, three,Touch my knees,图:一个膝盖,拳头,手指Four, five, six,Pound my fists,Seven, eight, nine, Show me your finger,We can say from one to ten. B. What’s four and six? Mother asks her son “Jim, if you have to ten candies, and eat four, then how many candies do you have?”“Ten.” Jim says.Ten?” Mom asks.“Yes, Mom. Four candies are in my stomach and six candies are out of my stomach. Four and six is ten, isn’t it right?知识百宝箱candy (n.) 糖果 if (conj) 假使stomach (n.) 胃;肚子。out of 在….之外eat  (v.) 吃 开动小脑筋对还是错,判断一下,你肯定能行!( ) 1. Jim is very clever.( ) 2. Mom is happy to hear when Jim says “Ten”( ) 3. Four and six is ten.轻松加油站C. One Day of MarkMark usually gets up at twenty to seven in the morning. Then he washes his face after brushing his teeth. After all these things, he goes jogging in the garden near his house. He comes home at about 7:10 and after taking a quick shower about five minutes, he sits down to have breakfast and 15 minutes later, he goes to school by bike. School starts at 8:00 a.m. He usually gets there 10minutes earlier than that. He has six classes each day, four in the morning and two in the afternoon. Classes are over at 4:00. So he usually does all his homework at school, and then goes home and watch TV in the living room.知识百宝箱usually (adv.) 通常get up  起床in the morning 在早上,在上午wash (v.) 洗brush (v.) 刷after (adv.)在….之后jog (vt.) 轻推,轻撞garden (n.)  花园shower (n.)  洗澡开动小脑筋对还是错,判断一下,你肯定能行!( ) 1.Mark gets up at twenty to seven in the morning.( ) 2.Mark comes home after seven o’clock.( ) 3.Mark goes to school by bus.( ) 4.Mark gets


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