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超级有用的英语俚语学习 1 I wasn’t born yesterday. 我又不是3岁小孩 A: guess what! I know something you dont know! B: whats that? A: how many planets are there in the solar system? B: thats easy. Everyone knows that there are nine. A: not anymore! Can you believe it? Theyve decided that Pluto is not a planet anymore! B: nice try! I wasnt born yesterday, you know. A: Im dead serious. 你猜怎么着?我知道一些你不知道的事情. 什么事? 你知道太阳系有多少行星吗? 很简单.大家都知道有九大行星. 现在可不是啦!你相信吗?他们决定取消冥王星的行星资格了. 想得美.别哄我了,我又不是三岁小孩. 我是认真的. Nice Try 表面上好像是在夸别人“做得好、干的漂亮”,而多数情况下意思是“想得美、得了吧”,是一种反讽。另外,当别人很努力做某事却失败的时候,你也可以拍拍肩膀对他说Nice try,这时就有鼓励、安慰的意思了。所以大家要把握好说话的语境。 例句: Nice try. I wasnt born yesterday, you know. 想得美.我又不是三岁小孩儿. Nice try, but do you think I would believe that? 得了吧,你觉得我会相信吗? I/he/she wasnt born yesterday! 解释:我又不是三岁小孩,我没那么好骗,我没那么容易上当 something that you say in order to tell someone that a person is not stupid and cannot be easily deceived up to par:as good as usual or as good as it should be 达到通常(或应有)的水准 up to par:as good as usual or as good as it should be 达到通常(或应有)的水准 I didnt think her performance was up to par. 我认为她的表演没有达到一定的水平. below/under par: less well, good, etc. than is usual or expected 不太好;不佳;不及平常好;不如预期 I may take tomorrow off if Im still feeling under par. 如果我还不舒服,我明天可能休息一天. Teaching in some subjects has been well below par. 一些科目的教学一直远达不到标准. on a par with somebody/something: as good, bad, important, etc. as somebody/something else 与…同样好(或坏、重要等);不相上下;不相伯仲 He doesnt think his salary is on a par with his position in the company. 他觉得自己的薪水与在公司里的职位不相符. As actors, I would say they were on a par. 作为演员来讲,我觉得他们不相上下. go-to guy: a person to whom one turns for help or support; also called go-to person A go-to guy 这个词可以男女共用,意思是能排解纠纷的人,比如,在湖人队里go-to guy 非科比莫属.A go-to guy 是指A person you can go to for help in a difficult situation.也就是说,他是那个当你处于困境时能帮你忙的人. Mark is my go-to guy for programming. No kidding? 不是开玩笑吧? A: I can finish two large pizzas in 10 minutes all by myself. A: 我可以一个人十分钟内吃下二个大pizzas。


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