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综合英语教程第三版4 邹为诚主编 第二单元 1. 玛丽看到一个贼眉鼠眼的男人走进邻居家里。 Mary saw a shifty-eyed man walking into a neighbor’s house. 2. 鲍勃总是嘲笑我对服饰的眼光。 Bob always sneers at my taste in clothes. 3. 打探别人的秘密是不礼貌的。 It is impolite to pry into other’s secrets. 4. 我想克里斯想要抢我的饭碗。 I think Chris is after my job. 5. 她看到克里斯给他使的眼色,说话的声音便越来越小了。 She trailed off, silenced by the look Chris gave her. 6. 那些树枝干而易断。 The branches were dry and brittle. 7. 收音机老是发出噼里啪啦的声响,我们几乎听不清里面说些什么。 The radio cracked so much that we could hardly hear what was said. 8. 地面向海倾斜。 The land slopes down to the sea. 9. 他的口袋里鼓鼓囊囊的塞满了钞票。 His pockets were bulging with money. 10. 我不得不和出租车司机就车费讨价还价。 I had to haggle with the taxi driver over the fare. 第三单元 1. 这样的好机会千载难逢。 An opportunity as good as this arises/occurs only once in a blue moon. 2. 这个孩子因为私自拿了母亲包里的钱而觉得十分愧疚。 The boy felt guilty for taking money from his mother’s handbag without permission. 3. 她知道他的话一句真的也没有。 She did not give credence to a single word of his story. 4. 一般来说,老师对学生的错误都比较宽容。 Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students’ mistakes. 5. 我想当然地以为你会跟我们一起来,于是就给你买了票。 I took it for granted that you’d want to come with us, so I bought you a ticket. 6. 由于经理的不断劝导,工作人员很快就改掉了迟到的坏习惯。 Thanks to the manager’s repeated counseling, the staff soon broke the bad habit of coming late to work. 7. 他现在对她发火,但不久会原谅她的。这只是几小时的事,仅此而已。 He’s furious with her now, but he’ll forgive her soon. It’s just/only a matter of a few hours, that’s all. 第四单元 第一部分 1. 只有通过调查我们才有发言权。 Only after investigation can we have the right to speak. 2. 我们绝不应当盲从。 On no account should we follow others blindly. 3. 他绝不是担任这项工作的最佳人选。 By no means is he the best person for the job. 4. 第一次成功绝非是最后的胜利。 In on way was the success in the first round the ultimate/final victory. 5. 别处找不到这样美丽的景色。 Nowhere else could one find such beautiful scenery. 6. 他曾多次给了我忠告。 Many a time has he given me good advice. 7. 献身于祖国现代化的人是幸福的。 Happy is he who dedicates his life to moder



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