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行动研究是一种系统的、反思性的探究活动,由教师针对自己教学中的问题直接参与和开展调查与研究。行动研究需要一系列的步骤来完成,其目的是不断改进自己的教学,使教学达到最佳的效果,同时提高对教学过程的理解和认识。行动研究有参与性和反思性的特点,通过参与行动研究、在研究过程中进行不断地反思和探究,教师的教育教学水平得以不断地提升。 Action research is a systematic, reflective inquiry activity, participation and directly by teachers for the problems in their teaching to carry out the investigation and research. Action research need a series of steps to complete, the goal is to continuously improve their own teaching, causes the teaching to achieve the best effect, at the same time, improve the understanding and awareness of the teaching process. Has a participatory action research and reflective characteristics, through participation in action research, in the process of research, constantly reflect on and explore, education teaching level of teachers to constantly improve. 一、不知研究什么 A, dont know the what 1.对行动研究的概念一知半解 1. A little knowledge about the concept of action research 一些教师不知何为“行动研究”,缺乏相关的知识基础或理论铺垫,便草草着手研究。还有一些教师将行动研究等同于经验总结,或将行动研究与个案研究、校本研究、叙事研究等混淆起来,以致开展的研究不伦不类。更有甚者,认为只要中小学教师与教研员、高校专家合作,就算是行动研究。 Some teachers dont know what is action research, the lack of relevant knowledge or theory foreshadowing, he hastily set about research. Some action research for teachers will equate to experience, or the action research and case research, school-based research, narrative research, such as confused, so that the study is neither fish nor fowl. Whats more, experts believe that as long as the primary and secondary school teachers and research staff, college cooperation, even the action research. 2.教学过程中缺乏发现问题的敏感性 2. Lack of sensitivity to identify problems in the teaching process 行动研究的目的是解决实际教学中的问题。教师在教学实践中发现的可能影响其教学的问题都可以成为行动研究的课题,比如:教学目标的选择,教学、教案、课堂实施分析,教师提问分析,教师课堂评价及错误纠正行为分析,课堂话轮分析,课堂活动分析,外语学习动机分析,外语学习策略分析等。但一些教师缺乏在教学实践中发现问题的敏感性,发现不了问题,或对客观存在的问题重视不够,或不能抱着积极的心态面对问题,以至于开展行动研究时不知研究什么。 The purpose of action research is to solve practical problems in teaching. Teachers in the teaching practice may affect the teach


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