Amanwella Aman Resorts Sri Lanka - FaithJewell..PPTVIP

Amanwella Aman Resorts Sri Lanka - FaithJewell..PPT

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Amanwella Aman Resorts Sri Lanka - FaithJewell.

Amanwella Aman Resorts Sri Lanka Light Proposal The Aman Philosophy small, intimate and involving responsive to contemporary life style and cultural surroundings environmentally conscious less is more individually distinguishable * Sri Lanka Resort Analysis: High standard of quality Comfort and convenience Better than home Easy orientation Suitable for people of all ages Relaxing environment Relationship to local culture Genius loci Feeling of security/ privacy Exemplary design Appropriate for long stays Functional Expectation of something special The Room: Materials: Linen Mahogany Teak Polished Stone Exterior Wood Lighting Concept: Our lighting concept strives to incorporate the Aman philosophy of integrating individuality, locale, culture and environment into their resorts. For us this means maximizing daylight potential, and a high comfort, quality indirect lighting scheme. Through daylight techniques and strategies we create a strong connection between the interior and outside landscape. Combined with contemporary style, subtle indirect lighting strives to capture the magical spirit of Sri Lanka. Accent lighting enhances the both the functional and ambient atmosphere in the room. Incorporation of traditional Sri Lankan lighting elements underlines Aman Resort’s attitude, and creates romance. Color Temperature Map: Since Sri Lanka is a warm climate color temperature of light plays an important role. The entrance areas and the bathroom would be areas with more refreshing light. The room would get gradually warmer with the warmest point being the balcony, creating an ambiance of romance in the evenings. 3000k 4000k Entrance/Wardrobe: Welcoming Arrival Good first impression Convenient Feeling of security Transition space from corridor Storage Dressing area Looking good Mirrors Colour differentiation Utilizing a suspended ceiling over the entry way, cool indirect lighting refreshes the guest as he or she enters the room. A back


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