2 - Christianity and Middle English Period2 - Christianity and Middle English Period.doc

2 - Christianity and Middle English Period2 - Christianity and Middle English Period.doc

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2 - Christianity and Middle English Period2 - Christianity and Middle English Period

Christianity Christianity—The major religion of Europe. It is one of the three Abrahamic religions Judaism (Jews) Christianity (Christians) Islam (Muslims) All three religions believe in the same god, even though various names may be used. YHWH, Elohim (Judaism, language—Hebrew) God, in all languages (God—English, Dios—Spanish, Dieu—French, Gott—German, Dio—Italian, Deus—Latin) Allah (Islam) All three of these religions claim to have their origins in the man Abraham from the Bible. Each of these religions has its own holy book. Judaism—The Torah (also known as the Five Books of Moses and “The Law”) The Gospel of Jesus Christ (also known as the New Testament). Later editions include the Torah as well as many other books of prophecies. This new collection is called the Bible, literally meaning “The Book”. Islam—The Qur’an—The word of God as told to the prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Definition—Prophecy: The Foretelling or prediction of what is to come. Definition—Prophet: A person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. These religions are all monotheistic, meaning that they believe in one god. The Christian Religion—Began with Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, Israel. He was born to Mary and Joseph. Maria is said to have become pregnant and to have given birth to Jesus Christ as a virgin, meaning that she had never had sex. She is said to have become pregnant through the Holy Spirit of God. Jesus Christ was a Jew, but spoke of things that were different from the Jewish religion. The main point spoken of by Jesus Christ: Love God and love your neighbor. The most famous saying, not actually spoken by him, is, “Turn the other cheek.” The Hierarchy of the Christian Religion Definition—Hierarchy: Any system of persons or things ranked one above another. The Heavenly Hierarchy: God (the Father), Jesus Christ (the Son) and the Holy Spirit. All of these equal one power: God. The Angels Arch



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