2 China Seeks Peaceful Growth2 China Seeks Peaceful Growth.doc

2 China Seeks Peaceful Growth2 China Seeks Peaceful Growth.doc

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2 China Seeks Peaceful Growth2 China Seeks Peaceful Growth

China Seeks Peaceful Growth 中国寻求和平发展 Over the past 25 years, since the implementation of reform and opening-up policy, China has made a series of new and important achievements. It entered a well-off society as the beginning if this century, and is now striving toward building a society that is holistically well off. 在过去的25年,自从改革开放政策开始施行,中国取得了一系列新的重要成就。 中国在本世纪初进入了小康社会,并且现在正在努力建设全民小康的社会。 The current stage of China’s well-off society is however incomprehensive, unbalanced and of a low level. There is still a long way to go before China can shake off its state of underdevelopment. China is still developing country facing a series of big problems. To illustrate this here are two simple mathematical questions. One is multiplication and the other is division and they both focus on the number game. 然而,中国现在所处的小康社会是范围狭小,失衡和低级的。 为了摆脱不发达状况,中国仍有很长一段路要走。 中国仍然是个面临一系列大问题的发展中国家。在此,用二个简单的数学问题来说明这一点。 一个是乘法,一个是除法,二者都是数字游戏。 In the multiplication scenario, no matter how small and negligible and economy or social development problem seems to be, once multiplied by 1.3 billion, it become a big, or even a mega problem. 除法的关卡同样令人深思。 无论中国的财政和物质资源多么丰富,一旦被13亿除,人均水平都变的极端低下。 The division scenario is no less thought provoking. No matter how abundant China’s financial and material resources are, once divided by 1.3 billion, the per-capita level will be extremely low. 除法的关卡同样令人深思。 无论中国的财政和物质资源多么丰富,一旦被13亿除,人均水平都变的极端低下。 This 1.3 billion refers to China’s population. Moreover, we have not yet reached our population peak, which will only begin dropping off in 2040 when it reaches 1.5 billion. 这13亿是中国的人口。而且,我们尚未到达我们的人口峰顶.当它在2040年到达15亿时才会开始下降。 Of cause, we should not lose sight of other, more positive side of the coin. China’s experience in reform and opening up in the past 25 years has proved the magnitude of its labor force, creativity, purchasing power, cohesion, momentum of development and its contribution to the world as an engine of growth. 当然,我们不应该忽略事情积极的一面。中国在过去25年里的改革开放的经历证明了它的劳动力、创造性、购买力、凝聚力和发展



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