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单选题 第1题 (4.0) 分 Major changes in Roman religious life were mainly a result of _____. A、foreign cultural invasion B、trade and commerce C、territorial expansion of Rome D、interest in spiritual matters 第2题 (4.0) 分 Which description of Greek democracy of the Archaic Period is not true? A、It began as an expanded version of oligarchy. B、It is the same with modern democracy. C、It ensured an easier coexistence between different classes. D、Solon’s reforms laid the foundation for the Athenian democracy. 第3题 (4.0) 分 Which description of the Hellenistic civilization is incorrect? A、It was a cosmopolitan and open culture. B、It was a mixture of Greek and Oriental cultures. C、It helped to popularize Greek thinking and life styles. D、Its commercial, cultural and intellectual centre was Athens. 第4题 (4.0) 分 The following descriptions of the second Greco-Persian War are true EXCEPT for _____. A、The Persian army was led by Xerxes I, who was Darius son. B、All Greek city-states united to counter the Persian invasion. C、The Greek army was greatly outnumbered by the Persian army. D、The Greek army won a decisive victory in the straits between Athens and Salamis. 第5题 (4.0) 分 Which one of the following statements about the condition of the Jews during the Roman time was NOT true? A、In 64 B.C. Pompey conquered Judea and turned it into a Roman province. B、The Jews had to pay heavy tax, but they enjoyed limited self-rule. C、Faced with Roman persecution, the Jews had to worship the Roman emperors as gods. D、The Jewish people hoped for salvation led by a prophet. 第6题 (4.0) 分 Three of the following statements are true with the early experience of Christianity. Which one is the exception? A、Unlike the Jews, the early Christians of the Roman Empire suffered persecution. B、Christianity was not the official religion of the Roman Empire until the 4th century. C、Christianity spread in the cities of the empire, first in the e



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