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2013年高考二轮复习强化训练:阅读理解3 阅读理解 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Fruit or juice, which is nutritionally superior? This is almost the same as the age-old question: The chicken or the egg, which came first? ? Usually, juicers remove the juice and some pulp (果肉) from fruits and/or vegetables. It takes a lot of fruit to make a container of juice. We do get all of the vitamins, minerals, beneficial plant chemicals and carbohydrates in juice out of a whole fruit. But we do not get much of the fiber, the part that aids our digestive process, fills us up, and may help protect us against heart diseases and certain cancers. ? However, you may be surprised to discover that some juices actually contain more necessary nutrients (营养). For example, apples are not a good source of vitamin C, but many types of apple juice are fortified with vitamin C. ? Juice typically has more calories than fresh fruit due to added sugar and less fiber. If calories are your primary concern, choose fresh fruit over juice and use water to quench your thirst. You can also look for low-calorie cranberry juice, typically sweetened with sugar substitute. We do not feel as filled up from juice because it does not contain any fiber. For many people, drinking a caloric beverage (饮料), such as juice, is not as satisfying as eating the same amount of calories in food. For those of us who need to increase caloric intake (such as athletes, children, or teens) juice is a GREAT choice. Kids love the taste of pure fruit juice, and parents love it because it is a healthy source of nutrients. But avoid junk fruit beverages which are mistaken for juice blends that contain various fruits like grape, apple and pear. These juices do not have the natural levels of vital nutrients that 100 percent pure juices like orange juice provide. 56. According to the passage, you’d better have _______ to help prevent heart disease. A. fruit B. juice C. calories D. minerals 57. What can we learn from this p



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