2014-2015-2 英美文学选读复习题2014-2015-2 英美文学选读复习题.doc

2014-2015-2 英美文学选读复习题2014-2015-2 英美文学选读复习题.doc

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2014-2015-2 英美文学选读复习题2014-2015-2 英美文学选读复习题

1 The only organic whole poem to come out of the Anglo-Saxon period is____A_______, an epic of well over 3,000 lines. It is important as the first major English poem and the greatest work of literature of the period. Beowulf B) Vision of Piers the Plowman C) Robin Hood D) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 2 In ______D________, a collection of 20-odd stories, the first preeminent English poet and first-rate story-teller Geoffrey Chaucer portrayed all walks of life, from the upper strata all the way down the ladder to the lower. The Book of Duchess B) The House of Fame C) Troilus and Criseyde D) The Canterbury Tales 3 ______C____ wrote and published his Utopia in 1516. Utopia offers the best ideal social system possible at the time. Utopia is an imaginary country where democracy replaces tyranny, commonwealth replaces private property, the work ethic is valued and idleness frowned upon, there is no distinction between the rich and the poor, education is free for all, money is abolished and gold and silver depreciated, religious tolerance is enforced and bigotry outlawed, and there is peace and abundance for all. Martin Luther B) Johnannes Calvin C) Thomas More D) Christopher Marlowe 4 Which of the following is NOT the works of Edmund Spenser, the “most poetical” of all poets?D The Shepheardes Calendar B) The Faerie Queene C) Amoretti D) Apologie for Poetrie 5 Which of the following is NOT William Shakespeare’s tragedy?D Hamlet B) Othello C) King Lear D) A Midsummer Night’s Dream 6 In Act 2, Scene 2 of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo speaks:“But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the _________. ” moon B) sun C) star D) rose 7 Francis Bacon’s _________ is essentially his deliberations on man and his life. It deals with subjects such as truth, love, envy, high position, good nature, riches, ambition, beauty, vainglory learning, and politics and economy. It reveals his intimate knowledge o


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