2014年《导与练》北师大版选修6英语同步教学课时作业:Unit 16 Stories Secition3(含答案)2014年《导与练》北师大版选修6英语同步教学课时作业:Unit 16 Stories Secition3(含答案).doc

2014年《导与练》北师大版选修6英语同步教学课时作业:Unit 16 Stories Secition3(含答案)2014年《导与练》北师大版选修6英语同步教学课时作业:Unit 16 Stories Secition3(含答案).doc

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2014年《导与练》北师大版选修6英语同步教学课时作业:Unit 16 Stories Secition3(含答案)2014年《导与练》北师大版选修6英语同步教学课时作业:Unit 16 Stories Secition3(含答案)

Section Ⅲ Communication Workshop, Language Awareness 1 Culture Corner Ⅰ.品句填词 At the formal party I felt very ________ (令人不舒服的)and out of place. The audience ________ (鼓掌) for five minutes at the meeting yesterday. The room was so hot that she felt ________ (头晕目眩的). It is difficult to be natural when one is ________ (紧张的). Attending the three-hour meeting every Tuesday is a(n)________ (令人厌倦的)business. The book is full of ________(参阅)to growing up in India. I spilt your coffee.Sorry—that was ________(笨拙的)of me. All the people ________(出席的)at the meeting are famous artists and novelists. He ________(故意地)set the bird free from the cage. I’ll be back in an ________(马上). Ⅱ.选词填空 make sense,present...with...,on the other hand,begin with,attract one’s attention,refer to,even if/though,the moment,go wrong,in case______________I’m late,start without me. David’s manager ________ him ________ the award for best sales. On (the) one hand,I’m your teacher;______________,I’m your friend. Read this and tell me if it ________________. The concert ________________ a Mozart quartet(四重奏). The tourists forgot the time of going back because the beautiful scenery ____________. On AIDS Day this year,President Hu Jintao demanded that the problems _____________ be paid special attention to. -I had thought that our band would be a hit,but something ________________ at the last moment. -I’m sorry to hear that,but don’t give up. _____________ he is poor,he looks happy. Mary rushed home _________ she heard the news,only to find that her husband has gone. Ⅲ.翻译句子 所有可利用的空间都用完了。(available) ________________________________________________________________________ 这对双胞胎太像了,很难分辨谁是谁。(distinguish...from) ________________________________________________________________________ 我不知道你是如何忍受他们无休止的争吵的。(put up with) ________________________________________________________________________ 我们得把休假日期推迟,直到你好些为止。(put off) ________________________________________________________________________ 我们尽量每月存几百美元供旅游用。(put as


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