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Unit 8 Legal and Moral Implication of Cloning 录音原文 Section A 11. M: Everybody is helping out with the dinner. Would you make the salad? W: Anything but that. Q: What does the woman mean? 12. W: Are these treatments really necessary? They don’t seem to help very much. M: I’m afraid so, Mrs. Jones. Just be patient and I’m sure you’ll see some results soon. Q: Where did the conversation most probably take place? 13. W: Hi, Bill, have you been playing golf recently? M: Hello, Betty. I play as often as I can get out of the house. And by the way, I have a new set of clubs. They seem to have helped my game, though they are much heavier than my old set. Q: What does Bill tell Betty? 14. W: Why didn’t you put the umbrella into your bag? Now we’ll have to carry it on the plane with us. M: The bag isn’t too full, but I kept it out. It looks like it might rain on our way to the airport. Q: Why isn’t the umbrella in the man’s bag? 15. W: What a strange suit you are wearing. Your jacket doesn’t match your pants. M: I know. I got dressed in the dark, and I didn’t realize my mistake until I had gotten to the office. Q: Why does the man’s suit seem unusual? 16. M: The essays you have done this term have been weak, and your attendance at the lecture has been poor. W: I’m sorry, I’ve been busy with my union activities. Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 17. M: They may be proud of their new facilities, but frankly I’m disappointed. The nurses are not friendly and everything seems to be running behind schedule. W: Not to mention the fact that it’s noisy, because no one observes visiting hours. Q: What are they complaining about? 18. W: Welcome to our laboratory. It’s nice to have you with us. I’ll see you at 7:30 in the morning. M: My goodness. I’m not used to getting up as early as that. In London we start work at 9:00 a.m. Q: What makes the man feel shocked? Conversation One W: Are you all ready for Christmas? M: No, I haven’t even started. I’ve don


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