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第二部分:英语知识运用。第一节:单项填空15分。 21. Jane did ____ good job in the exam and as _____ reward, her parents took her to Beijing last September. A. a; the B. a; a C. 不填; a D. 不填; the 22. Great changes _____ in China in the past 30 years and many Chinese are living a happy life today. A. took place B. were taken place C. have taken place D. have been taken place 23. Christmas used to be a western festival, but now it _____ by people all around the world. A. is celebrating B. is to celebrate C. is celebrated D. has been celebrated 24. —I met your boss in the street this morning. ?Ah? You _____ be joking. He flew to Europe yesterday! A. must B. should C. could D. might 25. The boy went to school as usual the next day after the accident, _____ nothing had happened at all. A. in case B. so that C. even if D. as though 26. — Would you like some more fried chicken? ? _____ It would make me gain weight. A. Why not? B. Good idea. C. No, thanks. D. What for? 27. I hope to have a car of my own so that I _____ compete with others for space on crowded buses. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. oughtn’t to D. don’t have to 28. David, I _____ of watching television; let’s go for a walk. A. was afraid B. am tired C. am certain D. was fond 29. —I hate people telling lies. ?Me, too. I believe those who lie and cheat will never _____ it. A. get along with B. keep up with C. get away with D. come up with 30. The boss has given everyone a special holiday, so we ______ go to work tomorrow. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t 31. — Do you mind my asking you a rather personal question? ?1Not at all. _____. A. Go ahead B. Sounds a good idea C. That depends D. That’s fine 32. I _____ along the pavement yesterday when some strangers came up and asked me the way to the police station. A. is wandering B. has wandered C. had wandered D. was wandering 33.— No one _____ be compared with Yao M



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