7 Big Money Problems and How to Solve Them7 Big Money Problems and How to Solve Them.doc

7 Big Money Problems and How to Solve Them7 Big Money Problems and How to Solve Them.doc

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7 Big Money Problems and How to Solve Them7 Big Money Problems and How to Solve Them

7 Big Money Problems and How to Solve Them 发布时间:2012-09-21 文章出自: 原文链接:点击查看 Building wealth is a part of the American Dream. We’re told that through hard work and seizing opportunities we can lead successful, healthy, and wealthy lives. But building wealth isn’t important just for the sake of having money. In fact, it’s almost a requirement these days if you want to fully retire at some point. Social Security won’t provide much of a retirement. Your kids may not be able to afford college on their own, and there’s a good chance that health care costs can wipe out even a decent nest egg during your golden years. Since building wealth is so important for our future why is it that most people still find themselves under a mountain of debt or end up retiring broke and unhappy? It isn’t just luck. Sure, in the game of life luck does play a part, but most of the outcomes in life are directly attributable to the choices you make and financial decisions are no different. If you make smart decisions with your money your odds of success lean in your favor. Make poor decisions and you put yourself behind the 8-ball. Here are seven of the biggest money problems and mistakes most people make and if you can avoid making these mistakes you’re on the fast track toward building wealth. 1. Buying More House Than You Can Afford This is the granddaddy of them all. For generations we’ve been told that owning a home is how you build wealth. The reasoning was simple: you buy a house, live in it for a few decades, and sell it for a large profit since it appreciated in value. For the Baby Boomers and their parents this was a reasonable expectation. People did not move around as much, had steady employment with a company, and they held on to their homes long enough that it was almost unheard of to not make money when selling your home. For our generation, things are different. Generation X and Y are mobile creatures. Gone are the days of company loyalty and staying with the same employer for


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