ISO 9001质量手册英文版(ISO 9001 Quality Manual).doc

ISO 9001质量手册英文版(ISO 9001 Quality Manual).doc

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ISO 9001:2000 QUALITY MANUAL WOLSTENHOLME INTERNATIONAL LIMITED CONTENTS 1.0 Scope of the Quality Management System at Wolstenholme International Limited 1.1 Statement of Quality Policy 2.0 Quality Management System Documented Procedures 2.1 Document Control 2.2 Control of Quality Records 2.3 Internal Quality Audits 2.4 Control of Nonconforming Product 2.5 Corrective Action 2.6 Preventative Action 3.0 Quality Management System Processes and Interrelations 3.1 Organisation Charts 3.2 Responsibilities 3.3 Interrelation of Processes 3.4 Processes 1.0 Scope of the Quality Management System at Wolstenholme International Limited Wolstenholme International Limited is a Company with a long-standing successful history of supplying metal powders, pastes, pellets, varnish, offset ink, flexography ink and other related products for use in a large range of applications, on a worldwide basis. The scope of the Quality Management System encompasses all activities on the Darwen Site. The Metallic Powders Operation at Darwen is responsible for the manufacture and supply of metal powders and pigments mainly in aluminium, copper and brass (bronze) based alloys, for use in printing, inks, plastics and other industrial and engineering applications. The Ink Operation at Darwen is responsible for the manufacture of a wide range and type of printing ink, one-pack gold ink, varnish and related printing products. All production processes at Darwen are validated before leaving the site and as such sub-clause 7.5.2 is excluded. The overall operation at Darwen is controlled by the Ink Print business unit and the Industrial business unit. Technical Service and Research and Development are vital to the future development of the Company, together with understanding and developing new products and applications for our customers. The manufacturing, technical and administration func


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