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English poet, born in Lombard Street, London, on the 21st of May 1688. His father, also Alexander Pope, a Roman Catholic, was a linen-draper who afterwards retired from business with a small fortune, and fixed his residence about 1700 at Binfield in Windsor Forest. Popes education was desultory. His fathers religion would have excluded him from the public schools, even had there been no other impediment to his being sent there. Before he was twelve he had obtained a smattering of Latin and Greek from various masters, from a priest in Hampshire, from a schoolmaster at Twyford near Winchester, from Thomas Deane, who kept a school in Marylebone and afterwards at Hyde Park Corner, and finally from another priest at home. Between his twelfth and his seventeenth years excessive application to study undermined his health, and he developed the personal deformity which was in so many ways to distort his view of life. Pope would have despised so easy a metamorphosis as this at any period in his career, and the work of his coadjutors in the?Odyssey?may be distinguished by this comparative cheapness of material. Broomes description of the clothes-washing by Nausicaa and her maidens in the sixth book may be compared with the original as a luminous specimen. Popes wit had won for him the friendship of many distinguished men, and his small fortune enabled him to meet them on a footing of independence. He paid long visits at many great houses, especially at Stanton Harcourt, the home of his friend Lord Chancellor Harcourt; at Oakley, the seat of Lord Bathurst; and at Prior Park, Bath, where his host was Ralph Allen. With the last named he had a temporary disagreement owing to some slight shown to Martha Blount, but he was reconciled to him before his death. He died on the 30th of May 1744, and he was buried in the parish church of Twickenham. He left the income from his property to Martha Blount until her death, after which it was to go to his half-sister Magdalen Rackett and her c


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