
Progress Performance Asked Questions.doc

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Progress Performance Frequently Asked Questions Chris Schreiber Fast 4GL Systems, Inc. V3.0, 11/08/98 Progress Performance FAQ Chris Schreiber (chris@) Revision History: 1.0 11/06/95 First complete, official release 1.01 11/09/95 Minor correction to 2.1.4 (Conversion) 1.02 12/02/95 Cosmetic changes to how I create the document for easier updates 1.1 02/06/96 Revisions to all of 4.5 (dump/reload). Added 3.2.1 (schema caching), 1.4 (suggested reading path), 2.1.5 (V8). Notes sprinkled throughout with references to other places to look for information on some topics, mostly to Dan Foreman’s book. 1.2 04/07/96 Removed the examples section and renumbered accordingly. Added sections 2.1.7 (Workgroup vs. Enterprise), 2.3.4 (Server vs. Broker), 4.7.1 (How much space in one file/table). Added information on promon in 1.3.1, updated client parameters in 3.2, new stuff on extents in 3.3, keeping users from deleting the database under UNIX in 3.4, corrected description of BI use in 3.9.1, noted use of dbanalys utility to 4.7 2.0 09/02/96 Updated 2.1.4 with caveat about V7 memory use, 2.3.4 updates the server vs. broker distinction, 3.2 has new client parameters, 3.4 mentions buffered AI, 3.8.1 has more APW suggestions, 3.8.3 has a caveat with the AIW, 3.9.1 has BI cluster size recommendations, 3.10 has more on the 63K .r code limit, 5.2 has a variety of new UNIX specific information, added info to 7.1.2 on getting Knowledge Base entries. Added 1.3.4 (VMS monitoring), 1.5 (The Performance Big Picture), 3.3.4 (OS logical volumes usage), 3.9.2 (BI Buffer Caching), 4.5.6 (What’s procopy good for?) 4.9 (Controlling misbehaving Progress processes), 7.2.8 (Software). Changed Word document to print nicely. 2.1 10/02/96 Added 3.9.5 (BI Formatting), 5.2.10 (Digital UNIX specifics). Updated 3.2 with some more client parameters, 3.8 discusses writer process precedence. 2.2 10/05/97 Added 2.1.5 (V7.3), 2.1.6 (V8.1


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