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Philosophy of education is the study of education from a philosophical perspective. It is interested in analyzing and clarifying concepts and questions central to education. Philosophers of education often concern themselves with the fundamental and basic questions about education such as what is education? What is its purpose? What is the relationship between school and society, education and the child? What should be taught in school? And what is the best way to teach? From Confucius to Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, from Rousseau to John Dewey, from Maxine Greene to Nel Noddings, all of these philosophers have explored these questions and contributed greatly to our understanding of education today. Schools of Philosophy of Education 教育哲学流派 Philosophical debate started with the dualism of idea vs. object, 观念和实物之争,抽象的知识和具体的世界哪个更重要。演化成后来哲学上最基本的两大思想流派:主智派和唯实派。主智派当然一直起主导作用,但是唯实派成为现代科学发展的哲学基础。The example of trees vs. tree-ness. 跟这个争论紧密相关的是下面两个最早的教育哲学流派: Idealism (Perennialism) 唯心主义(永恒主义) 苏格拉底,伯拉图,孔子; 古典哲学的主流。 Purpose of education: The search for truth; discovery of knowledge; education for thinking; individual self-realization Curriculum: Subject matter of the mind; the Canon(正统学说), the classics, the great books; liberal arts curriculum; no specialization. 抽象的知识. Examples: traditional high school curriculum; U.S. undergraduate general education Teaching style: Lecture, seminar, discussion;推理法 Role of the teacher: Teacher as philosopher, mentor, guide, and role-model. Realism (Essentialism) 现实主义,唯实论 (本质论,要素主义) 亚里斯多德 Search for truth; discovery of knowledge; starting from the real world; practical and functional skills. Basic, factual knowledge; three Rs. 具体的物体 Scientific methods(归纳法); structured learning; rules. Teacher as authority figure, role-model, scientist, specialist. Thomism 托马斯主义 托马斯阿奎纳 Search for God; spiritual development. Curriculum includes both the intellectual and the spiritual; religious doctrine. Drill in reason(演习操练);


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