
Step By Step---Unit 6 原文等 - 副本.doc

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Unit 6 It’s Great To Be a Champion Part I A Key words stretch 伸直,延伸,涉及 swing 转动,摇摆,成弧线运动 bend 弯下,低头,弯曲 Vocabulary sideways: 从一旁的(地),向一旁的(地) rhythm: 节奏,(身体、季节)规律性变化 Part I A stand straight 站直 feet apart 双脚分开 raise your arms to shoulder height 举起你的手臂与肩同高 stretch them out sideways 从侧面伸展开来 swing your right arm down 把你的右臂放下来 bend your knees 弯曲你的膝盖 Right everyone. Stand straight ---- feet apart --- hands by your sides. Relax. Everybody ready? Right ---- a nice deep breath --- now raise your arms to shoulder height and stretch tem out sideways. Good --- now swing your right arm down to touch your left toes --- keep your left arm stretched out. Don’t bend your knees --- your legs should be straight --- and up straight again. Now your left hand down to touch your right toes --- and up again. Everybody happy? Now let’s do this with a bit of rhythm. Right down, touch your toes and up --- left down, touch your toes and up --- and again. Right down, touch your toes and up --- left down, touch your toes and up ----keep those knees straight. Now keep going until I tell you to stop. Part I B Key words dash 猛冲,猛撞,猛摔 world record 世界纪录 hurdles 跨栏赛跑 gold medal 金牌 silver medal bronze medal marathon 马拉松比赛 javelin throw 掷标枪 discus Vocabulary Jamaica 牙买加(拉丁美洲一个国家) Morocco 摩洛哥(非洲一国家名 Bulgaria 保加利亚(欧洲东南部国家,首都索非亚) Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚(旧称 Abyssinia 阿比西尼亚,非洲东部国家,首都亚的斯亚贝巴) Cuba 古巴(加勒比海中的共和国,在美国佛罗里达州南面,首都哈瓦那) Soviet Union 前苏联(1922-1991,首都莫斯科Moscow,位于欧、亚洲) Czech Republic捷克共和国(中欧国家,首都布拉格) Track events 径赛项目 A track event is a track and field contest which involves running or walking around a racetrack, in contrast to events that involve only jumping or throwing. Usain Bolt 尤塞恩·博尔特 100 meters dash 百米冲刺 be set on: set the record 创造纪录 race walk 竞走 The world record holder 世界纪录保持者 men’s marathon 男子马拉松 field events: 田赛 A field event is a track and field contest such as the high jump or throwing the discus(掷铁饼) or javelin, rather than a race. 1. In track events,


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