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Unit 10 Design Process of Reinforced Concrete 钢筋混凝土的设计过程 Objectives of Design 设计任务 The structure engineer is a member of a team whose members work together to design a building, bridge, or other structure that will fulfill the specific needs of a client. In the case of a building, an architect generally provides the overall layout, and mechanical, electrical, and structural engineers design individual systems within the buildings. A geotechnical or foundation engineer provides information necessary for the design of foundations, basement walls, and so on.. 结构工程师是以设计满足客户特定需求的建筑,大桥或其他结构为工作的一群人的称呼。在建筑案例中,设计师通常要提供总体布局,机械系统,电力系统,而结构工程师们则设计建筑的个人系统。岩土和地基工程师提供建筑地基设计的必要信息,如地下室墙,等等。 The structure should satisfy four major criteria: 结构需要满足的四个主要标准: Appropriateness. The arrangement of spaces, spans, ceiling heights, access, and traffic flow must complement the intended use. The structure should fit its environment and be aesthetically pleasing wherever possible. Although such decisions are frequently in the architect’s domain, the structural engineer should bear them in mind in choosing framing systems for a building or in laying out structures such as bridges 舒适:空间,跨度,天花板高度,入口,交通流必须满足使用目的的要求。结构应该与周围的环境相协调并且尽量满足审美的要求。尽管这些决定经常在建筑师的工作范围之内,但是为了选择建筑框架结构或桥梁铺设结构,结构工程师应该把这些决定牢记在心。 Economy. The overall cost of the structure should not exceed the clients budget. Frequently, teamwork in design will lead to overall economies. 经济:总花费不应该超过顾客的预算。通过团队设计通常可以算出总预算。 3 Structural adequacy. Structural adequacy involves two major aspects: a. A structure must be sufficiently strong to support safely, without collapse, all anticipated loadings. b. A structure must not deflect, tilt, vibrate, or crack in a manner that impairs its usefulness. 结构强度:结构强度主要包括两个方面: a.结构必须有足够的强度来保证安全,在所有预先考虑的荷载下不会倒塌。 b.结构不能产生损害其使用的倾斜,震动或破裂。 4 Maintainability. A structure should be designed to require a minimum of maintenance and/or to be able to


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