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西南财经大学天府学院 教学方案 任课教师:宋坤 课程名称:商业银行管理 任课班级:06级本_金融05班教学内容 讲授学时 课堂讨论 Chapter 1 An overview of banks and their services 2 1 Chapter 13 Managing and Pricing Deposit Services 4 2 CHAPTER 15 Managing Non-deposit Liability and Other Sources of Bank Funds 2 1 Chapter 17 Bank Lending: Policies and Procedures 2 1 Chapter 18 lending to business firms 2 1 Chapter 19 Pricing Business Loans 2 1 Chapter 21 Consumer and Real Estate Lending 2 1 Presentation: Research Report 1 2 CHAPTER 10 Off-balance –Sheet Financing in Banking and Credit Derivatives 2 1 Chapter 8 Using Financial Futures and Options in Bank Asset-liability Management 2 1 CHAPTER 9 Using Swaps and Other Asset-liability Management Techniques 2 1 Chapter 4 The Financial Statement of a Bank 2 1 Chapter 5 Measuring and Evaluating Bank Performance 1 2 Chapter 6 Asset-Liability Management: Deterring and Measuring Interest Rates and Controlling a Bank’s Interest-Sensitive Gap 2 1 Chapter 7 Asset-Liability Management: the concept of duration and managing a bank’s duration gap 2 1 Experimental Simulation 3 0 Review 3 0 合 计 教学重难点: CHAPTER 1 AN OVERVIEW OF BANKS AND THEIR SERVICES II. What Is a Bank? Ill. The Services Banks Offer the Public CHAPTER 4 THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF A BANK A. Financial Inputs and Outputs on Bank Balance Sheets and Income Statements B. The Banks Balance Sheet (Report of Condition) 1. The Principal Types of Accounts on a Banks Report of Condition 2. Bank Assets a. The Cash Account b. Investment Securities: The Liquid Portion c. Investment Securities: The Income-Generating Portion d. Loans e. Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased under Resale Agreements f. Customers Liability on Acceptances g. Miscellaneous Assets 3. Bank Liabilities a. Deposits b. Borrowings from Nondeposit Sources c. Capital Accounts 1. Subordinated Notes and Debentures 2. Preferred Stock 3. Common Equity 4. Comparative Balance-Sheet Ratios for Different Size Banks 5. The Expansion of



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