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【海口朗阁】托福考试阅读考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 新托福阅读考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心 张晓予 考试日期 2014.10.18 Passage 1 Title: The Origin of Writing 写作的起源 大致内容 版本一:Writing的发展。开始讲专家们主要分析的都是苏美尔人 的文字,虽然说埃及人有文字,但是是写在纸上的,不易保存。苏 美尔人用clay, 虽然不方便带,但是保存的时间长(有题),而且在 大火的时候不会坏,不像纸和皮(有题)。之后说他们的楔形文字 很棒,很简单的符号但是组合起来有很多文字。有题考到楔形文字 的特点,包括只有很少的人会用(因为太难了)。后来别的文化也 借鉴传承了楔形文字,给文字赋予了自己文化的含义,还有读音。 考了一个词汇题virtue。 版本二:writing的起源。文章主旨是writing起源于苏美尔人,不 久后埃及人也发明了writing, 但历史无法追溯,因为埃及人用 papyrus, 但是苏美尔人的地盘没有这个东西,他们用clay, 不像其 它用来记录的东西特别脆,clay特别durable, baked之后更好。然 后又说这种方法影响了其他地区的人(都是离苏美尔比较近的)。 后来苏美尔被另一个文明给灭了,但是他们没有使苏美尔的writing 毁灭,他们保存了下来,就像欧洲人在罗马灭亡后把拉丁语保存了 下来一样。 解析:本文讲述的是writing的发展,在TPO里目前还没有专门讲 writing的文章,但是在一些有关文明的文章中有涉及到,比如 Sumer and the First Cities in Ancient Middle East等,同时在老托 福中也有类似的题材。 参考阅读: Archaeological discoveries have led some scholars to believe that the first Mesopotamian inventors of writing may have been a people the later Babylonians called Subarians. According to tradition, they came from the north and moved into Uruk in the south. By about 3100B.C, They were apparently subjugated in southern Mesopotamia by the Sumerians, whose name became synonymous with the region immediately north of the Persian Gulf, in the fertile lower valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates. Here the Sumerians were already well established by the year Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations 2 3000B.C. They had invented bronze, an alloy that could be cast in molds, out of which they made tools and weapons. They lived in cities, and they had begun to acquire and use capital. Perhaps most important, the Sumerians adapted writing (probably from the Subarians) into a flexible tool of communication. Archacologists have known about the Sumerians for over 150 years. Archacologists working at Nineveh in northern Mesopotamia in the mid-nineteenth century found many inscribed clay tablets. Some they could decipher because the language was a Semitic one (Akkadian), on which


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