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华东师范大学 金融辅修专业学士学位论文 上海市房地产市场现状、问题 及其对策研究 On the real estate market In shanghai 作 者: 学 号: 指导教师: 学科专业: 年 月 上海市房地产市场现状、问题及其对策研究 摘要 随着我国住房制度改革逐步深入,房地产业进入快速发展的新时期。与此同时,房地产供应结构失衡,投机加剧等问题也逐步体现出来,为了促进房地产业健康、稳定的发展,政府出台了一系列调控政策来防止房地产的过热发展,但房价仍然一路攀高。于此同时,房地产泡沫化、高房价等问题成为社会关注的焦点,房地产泡沫是否存在也成为社会各界的主要争论话题。 本文以上海市房地产市场作为研究对象,收集、整理了大量有关房地产现状的资料,并在此基础上,分析了房价收入比、房地产投资占GDP比重、房地产投资占全社会固定资产比重等指标,对房地产泡沫形成的原因及危害进行了总结,并提出解决对策。 关键词: 房地产泡沫 房地产指数 房价收入比 On the real estate market in shanghai Abstract With Chinese housing system coming into progress, the real estate industry in china has come into a new stage of continuous development. In the mean time, issues such as the supplies and demands imbalance of real estate have aroused great attention. A series of regulatory policies to prevent the real estate bubble from generating were introduced by central government,pries are still soaring. At the same time, the real estate bubble and high Pries become the focus of attention of society. Whether the real estate bubble exists has become the main issue in all sectors of society. In this paper, the real estate market in shanghai was selected as the research sample. Starting with the related principles of the real estate bubble,based on collecting a lot of data of the real estate bubble, many effecting factors, such as house price-to-income ratio, the ratio of GDP in real estate, the ratio of the total social fixed assets investment in real estate is analysis. Finally, the reasons of the real estate bubble and its damages are concluded, and preventing measures is proposed. Key Words: Real Estate Bubble Real Estate Index House Price-to-income Ratio 目录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 一、引言 2 二、上海市房地产现状与问题 3 (一)、房地产投资额分析 3 (二)、商品房建设规模与销售情况分析 5 (三)、商品房价格分析 5 (四)、土地出让规模分析 8 三、上海房地产泡沫的主要成因、危害及其对策 8 (一)、上海房地产泡沫的主要成因 8 (二)、房地产泡沫的危害 10 (三)、解决策略 11 四、结论 12 参考文献 I 附录 II 致谢 V 上海市房地产市场现状、问题及其对策研究 一、引言 在很早以前,房地产问题就已经引起了一些经济学家的关注。近年来,关于房地产问题的研


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