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Yielding to the pressure of special interest groups connected to the financial sector, allowing an unchecked proliferation of speculative transactions by banks that are getting bigger and bigger, sometimes too big to go bankrupt without dragging other sectors or entire national economy down with them– all this gradually caused the virtual financial sector to become detached from real economy, where material processes take place. Honest (not always but most often) entrepreneurs’ capitalism is getting supplanted and dominated by the (not always but not rarely) dishonest speculators’ capitalism. What becomes the main source of income is speculation which consists in capturing,through redistribution mechanisms,the value generated by others rather than creating a new value added of your own. Some refer to these pathologies – as these are pathologies of the market econom78y – as the casino capitalism, while others talk of financialization. Hence the economics is still faced with the question of limits to deregulation and financial liberalization.与金融部门关系密切的特殊利益集团对银行施加压力,使得投机性交易不断增加。如果银行破产,其它部门和整体国民经济都会受到牵连,由此可见交易规模的庞大程度。而这一切,最终会导致虚拟金融经济与真正重要的实体经济渐行渐远。投机取巧的商人或剥夺或控制了大部分实业家的资本。他们通过投机获得丰厚的利润,从本质上来讲,这些投机商人是通过再分配制度占有他人创造的价值,自身并不创造价值。有人将这种病态的市场经济称之为赌场资本主义,也有人称之为经济金融化。因此,放宽金融管制和金融自由化的底线在哪,仍然是有待解决的经济学难题。Nevertheless, the overall balance of globalization is positive. If we were to divide the world into two pieces – well-developed countries, with a population of around billion people, that generate around half of the world’s output, and the remaining part that generates the second half of the output, though it’s inhabited by six sevenths of mankind, it’s easy to note the diversification of economic dynamics in the quarter of the century before the crisis of 2008-13. It was much greater in countries on their way up, the “emerging markets”. In the crisis years, the differences in the growth rate further widened,to the disadvantage of the rich countries.然而,全球化的总体平衡是积极的。如果我们把世界分为两部分 -拥有约
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