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英美报刊选读15秋在线作业1 一、单选题(共?30?道试题,共?60?分。) V 1.??collaboration A. to express sorrow or regret B. working together, especially in a joint intellectual effort C. future generation ??????满分:2??分 2.??Women’s constituency _____ is strong enough to tip the balance in election. A. in key suburbs B. in the cities C. in the countryside D. in the towns ??????满分:2??分 3.??Gypsies’ language is related to ____. A. Chinese B. English C. Hindi D. German ??????满分:2??分 4.??The author believes that the proper way to decline gang membership is _____. A. to show contempt B. to show politeness C. to report to the police D. to show hatred ??????满分:2??分 5.??alluring. A. Never say goodbye to somebody B. attractive or desirable C. interesting ??????满分:2??分 6.??According to expert , ___difficult marriages can be salvaged. A. all B. none C. few D. most ??????满分:2??分 7.??decrepit. A. to kill sb at times B. worn out, impaired C. to set fire on ??????满分:2??分 8.??tug A. struggle B. lament C. rucksack ??????满分:2??分 9.??What is the State Department ‘s attitudes towards the reports that the new authorities in Kabul announced their intention of inviting the former Afghan monarch , King Zahir Shah, back to Afghanistan ? A. The State Department welcomed the reports. B. The State Department opposed the reports. C. The State Department held neutral position. D. Others ??????满分:2??分 10.??What does the CIA advocate to topple Saddam? A. a coup B. a war C. the same strategy as in Afghanistan D. None of the above ??????满分:2??分 11.??The author believes that the proper way to decline gang membership is _____. A. to show contempt B. to show politeness C. to report to the police D. to show hatred ??????满分:2??分 12.??The percentage of ------ full-time faculty members has remained vitally stagnant over the last 20 years。 A. African-American B. Hispanic C. Asian-American D. woman ??????满分:2??分 13.??mural. A. a type of music B. an artist C. painting done on a wall ??????满分:2??分 14.??What did not the workers do in the run


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