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捷克共和国 捷克共和国,是一个中欧地区的内陆国家,国土面积 78866 平方 公里,其 前身为捷克斯洛伐克,于 1993 年与斯洛伐克和平地分离。在捷克的 国际通用称 呼方面, 虽然习惯上英语多数是以 Czech Republic 称呼之, 但 事实上在一份 1993 年时公布的官方文件中,捷克外交部要求世界各国在地理 用途上提及捷克这地 区时,应该用 Czechia (相对捷克语中的 ?esko )这名称来称呼之,而 Czech Republic 则保留,作为官方文件时 使用,其国际代码为 CZ。捷克于 2006 年被 世界银行列入发达国家行列。在 东部欧洲国家中,捷克拥有很高水平的人类发 展指数。这是欧盟的一员,北约、 经合组织欧安组织和欧洲委员会。 2004 年 5 月 1 日捷克正式加入欧盟。 The Republic of Czech is a landlocked country in Central Europe, with an area of 78866 square kilometers, formerly known as Czechoslovakia, which was separated from and Slovakia in 1993. In the Czech Republic international common name, although used on most of the English is called as Czech Republic of, but in fact in an official document released in 1993, the Czech Ministry of foreign affairs requirements around the world in geographic use referred to in this region of the Czech Republic should Czechia (relative to the Czech Esko) the name of, and Czech Republic is retained, as official documents, the international code for CZ. [1] Czech was included in the ranks of developed countries by the world bank in 2006. In Eastern European countries, Czech has a high level of human development index. This is a member of the European Union, NATO, OECD, OSCE and the European commission. May 1, 2004 Czech formally joined the eu. 国旗 National flag 捷克国旗呈长方形,长宽之比为 3:2。旗面由蓝、白、红三色组成。左侧 为 蓝色等腰三角形。右侧是两个相等的梯形,上白下红。蓝、白、红三色是斯 拉 夫民族喜欢的传统颜色。捷克人的故乡是古老的波希米亚王国,这个王国的 颜 色为红、白两色。白色代表神圣和纯洁,象征着人民对和平与光明的追求; 红 色象征勇敢和不畏困难的精神,象征人民为国家的独立解放和繁荣富强而奉 献 的鲜血与取得的胜利。 蓝色来自原来的摩拉维亚和斯洛伐克省徽章的颜色。 The Czech national flag is rectangular, and the ratio of length to width is 3:2. The flag consists of blue, white and red. The blue triangle. Right is the ladder two equal, white and red. Blue, white, red is the traditional color of the Slavic peoples like the. Czech is the hometown of the ancient kingdom of Bohemia, the kingdom of color is red, white and white. White represents the holy and pure, a symbol of peoples pursuit of peace and bright; red symbolizes courage


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