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2012年中考英语模拟试卷 I. 选择填空 从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 ( )1. Many people lost their lives in___ earthquake that happened in Wenchuan. A. the???????? B. a??????? ?? C. an????? ?????? D./ ( )2. Which would you prefer, a pear or an apple??? ________. An orange, please. A. None??????????????B. Either????????????C. Neither?????????????D. Both ( )3.Do you know when the Olympic games in Beijing ? Of course I do. If I free , I will go to Beijing to watch it. A. will be held, am B. are held ; will be C. will be held ; will be D. are held ; am ( )4. Billions of money _____ to help the people in Wenchuan rebuild their homes. A. donated B. was donating C. has donated D. was donated ( )5. The price of the shoes ________than before. I cant afford two pairs. is more expensive? B. is much higher?? C. is much cheaper?? D. is much lower ( )6. Advertisements give us ____ about products, such as their prices and uses. ?A. information???????? B. news?????????????? C. words??????????? D. pictures ( )7. How many times _____ Chang E-1 _____ the Moon ? Only once. It _____ there last year. A. did, go to, has gone B. had, gone to, went C. has, been to, went D. has, been to, has gone ( )8. During the Spring Festival, a lot of people take the bullet train(动车组) home __________ it is expensive. Yes, and its really fast A. so?????????? B. as????????????C. because?????????? D. though ( )9. Listen! Mingming is talking happily with his mother in the next room. It _____ be his mother . She has gone to Wenchun to be a volunteer. A. should????? ?? B. must????? ?? C. cant??????? ? D. mustnt ( )10. Tom, your books should be in right order. OK. Ill________ them________ right now. A. put; down??????? B. put; away???????? C. put; up???????? D. put; on ( ) 11. Please ________ the dish to see whether I have put enough salt in it. A. smell???????? B.


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