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初三英语一轮模拟训练 单项选择 (共25小题,计25分) 1. In America, Father’s Day falls on _____ third Sunday in _____ June. A. the; 不填 B. the; a C. 不填; the D. a; 不填 2. - _________ is your sister, Lucy? - She’s an assistant in a company. A. What B. How C. Where D. Who 3. The spaceship ____ was sent up to go around the earth in Nov. of 2011 is called Shenzhou VIII. A. which B. who C. whom D. what 4. Don’t make so much noise. Our baby ________. A. was sleeping B. sleep C. slept D. is sleeping 5. - Shall we go to the Swan Park for a picnic tomorrow?- If it _________ fine. A. was B. is C. is going to be D. will be 6. He hardly hurt himself in the accident, ________? A. doesn’t he B. didn’t he C. did he D. does he 7. -Why didn’t Alice come to the party last night? ---I don’t know ______. A. why didn’t she B. why she didn’t C. why did she D. why she did 8. - Could you tell me _________?- You mean yesterday? A. how many passengers are saved B. how many passengers was saved C. how many passengers were saved D. how many passengers saved were 9 There was a big fire in the street last night, but the firemen _______ within twenty minutes. A. took it out B. brought it out C. worked it out D. put it out 10. Lucy said that she had never heard _________ music before. A. such beautiful B. so a beautiful C. so beautiful a D. such beautiful a 11. Our monitor takes exercise every day, for he believes _____ he does, _______ he’ll be. A. the less; the stronger B. the more, the thinner C. the more; the stronger D. more; stronger 34. In our school library there _________ a number of books on science and the number of them __________ growing larger and larger. A. is; are B. are; is C. has; is D. have; are 12.Tom isnt feeling very well. He seems to have a cold the weather changes suddenly. A. before B.so C.because D. though 13.To protect the env


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