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《武汉大学2011年博士学位论文撰写及印制规格的规定》(可加入参考书目)新增/致谢,相应修改如下: ?第三课的writing 部分 Every dissertation has three parts: front matter, text and back matter. When the dissertation is bound in book form for library use or submitted in electronic form, these elements are included: ? ? Front Matter Title Page Required by WHU Declaration of Academic Integrity Required by WHU Authorization for Use of Dissertation Required by WHU Claim of Innovation Required by WHU Table of Contents Required by WHU Abstract Required by WHU Text Introduction Required by WHU Chapters Required by WHU ? Back Matter References Required by WHU Publications Required by WHU Afterword/Acknowledgement Optional Notes: WHU stands for Wuhan University. ? I. Front Matter Front matter, or the preliminary pages, includes all sections that precede the text and should be arranged in the order listed: Title Page, Declaration of Academic Integrity, Claim of Innovation, Abstract, and Table of Contents. Front matter is numbered in lower case Roman numerals, starting with Abstract. A.???? Title Page (cf. Unit 4) The first page of a dissertation is the title page. It must include the following information: ? the full title of your dissertation, ? your name as it appears in university records, ? the month and year of the degree, ? a standardized degree statement. If the dissertation has a main title and a subtitle, put the main title on a single line, followed by a colon, and organize the subtitle in inverted pyramid form below the main title. If the main title is too long to fit on a single line, also organize the main title in inverted pyramid form. B.???? Declaration of Academic Integrity This is to declare that your dissertation is the result of independent research under the supervision of your advisor. It does not infringe upon anyone’s copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and any ideas, techniques, quotations, or any other material from the work of other people included in your disserta


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