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英语试卷 笔试部分 1.语言知识(共l0小题,计l0分) 本题共有l0个小题,请从每个小题的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 21.On sunny afternoon,my parents and I had a good time on the beach. 【C】 A.the B.an C.a D./ 22.Mike and his friend are going to the to see the new action movie tonight。 【D】 A.book shop B.restaurant C.concert D.cinema 23.—Can you tell me your parents at home? 【B】 —I often wash clothes and sweep the floor. A.how will you help B.how you help C.how you will help D.how do you help 24.Lets do it .There is only five minutes left. 【C】 A.hardly B.slowly C.quickly D.politely 25.Good news! There fewer people catching this kind of illness now. 【A】 A.are B.is C.was D.were 26.— you your drawing? 【D】 —Not yet! It will be done in a few minutes. A.Did;finish B.Will;finish C.D0;finish D.Have;finished 27.She often new words in the dictionary.It’s a good habit. 【C】 A.looks after B.1ooks down C.looks up D.1ooks out 28.I love people are friendly to others. 【D】 A.which B.whose C.what —D.who 29.My father told me a story last night. It is one I’ve ever heard. 【A】 A.the funniest B.funniest C.funnier D.the funnier 30.I will call you as soon as I the ticket to the football match. 【B】 A.will get B.get C.got D.am getting Ⅱ.完形填空(共10小题。计l0分) 阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。 One Monday morning,I was standing waiting for the train and suddenly felt ill.I couldn’t stand still,and the world began to sway(摇摆)and then went black.All I heard was“Oh,my God,she’s falling.” The next thing I 31 was that the doctor was asking me my name.This happened 32 I Was too tired.I was so busy cleaning my new house that I didn’t eat 33 last weekend. The doctor told me that a gentleman waiting for the 34 saw me fall down.He g


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