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初中英语重点知识总结中考英语高频短语100组解析及其练习(二) 短语、句子对于初中生英语学习来说是信息输入的重要组成部分,只有信息积累到一定程度,才能为运用打下基础。以下50组中考英语中的高频短语、词组,供大家备考用!加上之前的50组,整好100组。孩子一定要认真学哦!不会的可以加三好官网微信。 词组解析(6) 1.start off以……开始,出发;开始 They start off early,so that they can catch the train.他们出发得早,可以赶上火车。 2.complain about 抱怨 You’ve got nothing to complain about.你没什么可抱怨的。 3.take off脱掉 Take off your hat.It doesn’t fit you.取下你的帽子,它不适合你。 4.right away马上 It’s getting late.Please excuse me,but I must leave right away. 时间不早了。对不起,我得赶紧走了。 5.in return作为回报 He gave her some roses in returnfor her kindness.他送了她一些玫瑰以答谢她的好意。 6.shout at大声说话,大声喊叫 Don’t shout at me.Allow me to explain.别对我大吼大叫。让我解释嘛。 7.Come back 回来 It doesn’t matter when you’llcome back.你什么时候回来都没关系。 8.be usedto(doing something)习惯…… He is used to getting upearly.他习惯了早起。 9.have the ability to具备……的能力 . I don’t have the ability todo the job well.我不具备做好这项工作的能力。 10.be free from摆脱,免于 We must be free from theheavy homework.我们必须从繁重的作业中解脱出来 词组练习(6) 1.我们该从哪儿开始谈这件事? What shall we ( )this thing with? 2.我们都抱怨饭店的劣质服务。 We all ( ) the poor service in the hotel. 3.无论多热,他也不会脱掉外衣。 However hot it is,he will not( )his coat. 4.我六点醒了,然后马上起床了。 I woke up at six and got up ( ). 5.我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助。 I bought him a drink ( ) for his help. 6.大卫发火了,对着司机吼叫起来。 David lost his temper and ( ) the driver. 7.李明在平常回家的时间还没有回来,我感到担心。 I was worried when Li Ming didn’t ( ). 8.玛丽习惯了她丈夫的坏脾气。 Mary ( )her husband’s bad temper. 9.我相信我有能力组织一次社交聚会。 I believe I ( ) to hold a party. 10.她真幸运,一生没有病痛。 She had the good fortune tobe ( ) illness all her life. =================== 词组解析(7) 1.as 1ong as如果,只要,既然 As long as it doesn’t rain,we can go.只要不下雨,我们就可以去。 2.apply for申请,请求 He applied for a job in the supermarket.他申请超市的一份工作。 3.get upset 难过 Don’t get upset.It’s not your fault.别难过,不是你的错。 4.be preparedto do 准备…… You must be prepared lo workhard! 你必须认真准备工作。 5.keep…from阻止 The heavy rain kept us from coming on time.大雨使我们没有及时到来。 6.give up放弃 We should give up smoking in order to keep healthy.为了健康我们必须戒烟。 7.know of熟悉,了解 I don’t know the wr


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