伦理学论文 护患沟通伦理学论文 护患沟通.doc

伦理学论文 护患沟通伦理学论文 护患沟通.doc

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从伦理学角度探讨如何构建和谐护患关系 广西医科大学护理学院2011级本科护理14班2组 游丽娟 学号201140015 【摘要】在和谐社会的背景下,构建和谐的护患关系具有非常重要的意义。和谐的护患关系有利于护理工作的开展,提高护理质量和患者的满意度,利于患者康复。伦理学是以道德现象作为研究对象的科学,在构建和谐护患关系中起着非常重要的作用。本文主要从伦理学角度探讨如何构建和谐的护患关系。从伦理学角度探讨了三个方面内容:加强护理人员沟通能力是打造和谐护患关系的桥梁;提高护理人员的自身素质是建立和谐护患关系的基石;护理人员人文关怀能力的提升是构建和谐护患关系的有效手段。 【关键词】伦理学 和谐 护患关系 From ethics Angle discusses how to construct a harmonious relationship between nurses and patients You li juan (Guangxi medical university nursing school level 2011 undergraduate nursing class 14 group 2) Abstract In the background of the harmonious society, harmonious relationship with armor has a very important significance. Harmonious relationship with protection to the development of the nursing work, improve the quality of nursing and patients satisfaction, beneficial to the patient rehabilitation. Ethics is a moral phenomenon as the research object of science, in the building of a harmonious relationship with protection plays a very important role. This article mainly from the ethics Angle discusses how to construct a harmonious relationship with the guard. From the Angle of ethics discussed three aspects: strengthen the nursing staff communication skills is to create a harmonious relationship with protection of the bridge; To improve their own quality of nursing staff is to establish a harmonious relationship with the foundation of protection; Nursing staff humanistic care ability of ascension is to construct a harmonious relationship with an effective means of protection Key words ethics harmonious relationship between nurses and patients 护患关系是护理人员与患者之间在提供和接受护理服务过程中,自然形成的一种帮助与被帮助的人际关系[1] ]护患关系是护理过程中涉及范围最广 影响因素最复杂的人际关系,良好的护患关系有利于护理工作的开展,提高护理质量和患者的满意度,利于患者康复 而护患关系道德及其规范是护理伦理学的核心内容,以人为本是护理工作的精髓[2] 1、加强护理人员沟通能力是打造和谐护患关系的桥梁 1.1加强护理人员沟通能力对构建和谐护患关系的意义 《中国护理事业发展规划纲要( 2005- 2010年)》中明确指出:“以适应护理工作发展趋势、密切结合实际工作需要为目标, 加快护理教育的教学改革。突出护理专业特点, 在能力方面, 注重分析解决问题的能力、沟通能力及团队合作能力的培养。” 党中央明确指出:“医疗卫生事业的发展, 直接关系到人民群众的身体健康和生命安全, 是社会进步和人的全面发展的重要标志, 也是落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的


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