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CONTENTS NO.1 What is farm management?(什么是农场管理) 2 NO.2 Farm and Ranch Management(农场和牧场管理) 4 NO.3 Next generation farm management system(下一代农场管理系统) 8 NO.4 Cover Crops and Green Manures(覆盖作物和绿肥) 12 NO.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Intensive Farming(集约农作的优缺点) 22 NO.6 Keep Your Farm profitable with 6 Record-keeping Tips(6个保持农场盈利的技巧) 26 NO.7 Most Advanced Agricultural Technologies(最先进的农业技术) 29 NO.1 What is farm management? Farm management is the collective term for various management strategies and methods that are employed to keep a farm productive and profitable. The process of this type of management is often associated with large commercial?farms, although many of the same methods can be used with equal success on a small family-owned farm. Depending on the size of the operation, the management process may require the services of a single farm manager?or a group of managers who oversee various aspects of the overall project. 农场管理是一个能够帮助农场提高效率,实现盈利的不同管理策略和方法的集合词。这种管理形式的过程通常适用于大型的商业农场,但相同的方法中有许多可以使小型家庭农场获得成功。根据经营的规模,管理过程可能需要一个农场经理的服务或一群监督整个项目各个方面的管理者。 In many respects, effective farm management is similar to the management processes that are employed with any type of business. There are decisions that must be made on a daily basis, as well as operational guidelines that must be observed by everyone who is involved with the operation. Some participants are accountable to overseers or managers, who in turn are accountable to owners. 在许多方面,有效的农场管理类似于应用在各种类型商业领域的管理过程,。在每天的基础上有决策要做, 参与操作的人有操作指南要遵守。一些参与者对监督或管理者负责,反过来也对业主负责。 What sets farm management apart from other moneymaking ventures is the kinds of daily duties involved and the number of management layers found in the operation. Even among farms, the processes will vary depending on the type of farming business involved and the overall size of the operation. For example, the specific tasks associated with effective dairy management will be somewhat different than tasks connected with the operation of a whea


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