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基础英语讲座20课()Do you like learning a foreign language? Do you like learning a foreign language?你喜欢学习外语吗?like doing 表示“喜欢干…”,有关like 的词组还有like to do (喜欢干…),like sb.to do(希望某人干…),do…like this(象这样的干…),look like(看起来象)。例如: I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。 He likes to help others. 他喜欢帮助别人。 I like my students to study English well. 我希望我的学生学好英语。 Read the text like this. 这样读课文。 He looks like his father. 他看起来象他的父亲。 What does this word mean? What does this word mean?这个单词是什么意思?mean 表示“意思是”“含义是”,可以指人的言论行为,也可以词语等。例如: What do you mean by that? 你那是什么意思? What does this text mean? 这一课文是什么意思? She came into class as usual. She came into class as usual.她象平常一样进了教室。As usual表示“照常”,在句中作状语。例如: I got up at six yesterday as usual. 我昨天象往常一样六点钟起床。 You can do it as usual. 你可以象往常一样干。 It was not as clean as usual. It was not as clean as usual.卫生不象往常一样干净。As …as 表示“同…一样…”这是一个对等的比较句型,第一个as 后面跟形容词或副词,第二个as 后面跟比较的内容。例如: This work is as hard as that one. 这个工作和那个工作一样难。 Lucy runs as fast as Jim does. 露西和吉姆跑的一样快。 English is not as difficult as maths. 英语没有数学难。 Everyone is at school today except Lin Tao. Everyone is at school today except Lin Tao.今天除过林涛大家都到校了。Except 表示“除…之外”。例如: We go to school everyday except Sunday. 除星期天外,我们天天上学。 I like all of them except this one. 除这一个外,剩下的我都喜欢。 I prefer science. I prefer science.我喜欢科学。Prefer 表示“喜欢”,prefer …to…表示“比较喜欢…而不喜欢…”,prefer 后面的是较喜欢的内容。例如: I prefer English. 我喜欢英语。 I prefer apples to pears. 我喜欢苹果而不太喜欢梨。 What are they drawing? What are they drawing?他们在画什么?drawing 是draw 的分词形式,表示“画”,“拉”,draw 是一个不规则动词,过去式是drew 。例如: The boy can draw a house. 小孩会画房子。 Who drew the picture on the blackboard? 谁在黑板上画的画儿。 Im trying to draw a horse. Im trying to draw a horse.我在试图画一匹马。Try to do 表示“努力去做”。例如: Ill try to study Chinese well. 我要尽力学好中文。 Are you trying to mend you kite? 你在试图修好你的风筝吗? Please dont play with my chalk. Please dont play with my chalk.请不要玩粉笔。Play with 表示“玩耍”,play 后面直接跟一些运动球类或者乐器类表示参加这种运动或演奏这种乐器。 Dont play with fire. 不要玩火。 We


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