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妙语连珠中有的题目 ? 手工制品 something you made by yourself 收到的一个比较重要的卡片或者是来信 a letter or email you received 法律 a law in China 特殊的一顿饭 a special meal 上个星期 last weekend 家里传下来的老东西 Old thing in your family 想拜访的人 A person you want to visit 想学的第二门外语? A second foreign language you want to learn 一次公共活动 A public event 原来的11月的题目也考。明年的同学也要按照这个准备 第二部分 A piece of equipment??? 一定要考的。 ? ? 第一部分增加题目 周末干什么? 喜欢现在的周末还是以前的周末? 花的问题 你喜欢鲜花吗?在中国,人们在节假日喜欢送花吗?在中国花有什么特殊的花语吗? 中国人用花做礼物吗?你收到过花吗?花在中国有什么特殊的意义吗?  喜欢花吗.有什么特殊meaning.现在人喜欢收到花吗? Cooking Who does the cooking in your family? What does he or she often cook? Fruit Do you like fruit? How often do you eat fruit? What kind of fruit do you like best? Why? What are the benefits of eating more fruit? Vegetables Do you like vegetables? How often do you eat vegetables? What kind of vegetables do you like best? What are the benefits of eating vegetables? Driving Do you often drive? Is it necessary to learn driving? Is it important to drive well? When would you allow your children to drive? News How do you get the news? What kind of news are you interested in? Is it the same for the old and young? Is it important to know the news? Handwriting Do you often write letters? Is the handwriting important nowadays? What are the benefits of handwriting? Daily Life What do you do during your daily life? How do you allocate your working time and your studying time? What do you do with the?internet? When do you get up every day? What is the best time of a day? Friends Do you want to go out alone or in a group? How often do you meet your friends? What do you do when you are with friends? Holidays How do you spend your holiday? What do you like and dislike to do in your holiday? 各位考生可以参考妙语连珠,不要完全照搬答案。 food What food do you like? What food don’t you like? Which restaurant is your favorite? Bicycle Are bicycles popular in China or in your hometown? Has the number of bicycle riders in China changed much in the past few years? How old were you when you first learned to ride a bi


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