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摘 要 高效率的自动化作业要求对原料及产成品进行有效的自动计数。基于单片机的自动计数器计数精确、显示直观、价格相对低廉,已经在多行业多领域得到了广泛的应用。该设计采用一对红外发射接收管作为信号检测头,发射管发射红外光线,接收管接收红外线并将其放大、整流形成低电平信号。当有物体遮挡住红外光线时,接收管无法接收到红外信号,信号放大器将输出高电平信号到单片机进行控制计数并将结果在数码管显示出来,从而得到要统计的物体的数量。 关键词: 单片机,计数器,红外光 Abstract With the improvement of people's material and cultural life, which greatly promoted the development of the social productive forces, high-efficiency automatic operation to effective automatic counting requirements for raw materials and finished goods? Microcontroller-based automatic counter count is accurate, intuitive display, relatively inexpensive, and has been widely used in the field of multi-industry, multi. The counter can be divided into both contact and non-contact, non-contact infrared counter the convenience of their direct contact with the count object or not making it to a wider range of applications in various fields. Using a pair of infrared emission receiver tube as a signal detection head, launch tube infrared light, infrared receiver tube to receive and magnify it rectified the formation of low-level signals. When an object blocking the infrared light receiving tube can not receive infrared signals, signal amplifier will output a high level signal to the microcontroller to control the counting and the results in the digital tube display, resulting in the number of objects to statistics. Keywords: AT89C51, counter, infrared light 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 选题背景 1 1.2.1 数字单片机技术的发展 2 1.2.2 以单片机为核心的嵌入式系统 2 1.3 国内外的研究概况 3 1.4 设计要求 3 1.5 主要内容及问题 3 2 整体设计方案 4 2.1 方案论证与选择 4 2.2 设计原理和系统总体框图 6 2.3 系统电路设计 6 2.3.1 系统供电电源电路 6 2.3.2 系统红外线计数电路 9 2.3.3 系统数码显示电路 15 2.4 系统的程序设计 17 2.4.1 程序运行流程 17 2.4.2 程序 18 2.5 全电路图 21 2.5.1 系统原理图 21 2.5.2 系统PCB板图 21 3 结论 22 参考文献 24 致 谢 25 1 绪论 1.1 前言 随着社会生产力的高速发展,众多生产领域采用流水线进行产品的生产作业,而高效的流水线作业要求对生产线上的原材料及产成品进行实时的、精确有效的自动计数。老式的机械计数器和后来的电子计数器电路比较复杂,元器件较多,体积相对较大,且功耗大,故障率较高,从而限制了其在计数范围的应用。而以单片机为控制核心的计数器电路简单,元器件少,体积小,功耗小,性能稳定可靠,故障率较低,且价格低廉



