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四级模拟答疑 2013.4.11英语四级评分标准及分数换算评分标准: 大学英语四、六级考试的原始分数在经过加权、等值处理后,参照常模转换为均值为500、标准差为70的常模正态分数。 作文(15%):106.5 听力(35%):248.5 阅读(35%):248.5 (快速阅读10%+仔细阅读25%) 综合(15%):106.5 (完型填空10+翻译5%) 英语四级评分标准及分数换算(写作与综合)英语四级评分标准及分数换算(听力与阅读)Part Ⅰ Writing一、审题: 理解题意,确定体裁,抓住思想。二、构思: 组织素材,列出提纲,扩展主题。三、写作: 取舍增补,连接素材,兼顾语法。四、定稿: 再次阅读,检查修改,完善文章。Part Ⅰ WritingCredit信用很重要但是现在有许多不讲信用的现象我们大学生应该怎么做Part Ⅰ Writing Credit 审题:分析标题和提纲可知,应写一篇说明文。首先 分析信用的重要性,然后举一些反例来说明现在社会有许多不讲信用的现象,最后说明我们的正确做法。Part 1. Writing构思: 第一段:简要概述信用对社会发展的重要意义。第二段:举反例说明现在不讲信用的现象很多: 金 融危机,亲友间的欺骗。第三段:指出正确做法:我们应该养成守信的习惯。 Sample Writing Credit is of great importance to our development and plays a significant role in the society. It is our wealth and way to success. It is the fundamental factor that our society develops in a sustainable way. Sample Writing Unfortunately, the whole society seems to be faced with “credit crisis” nowadays. You don’t need to look for evidence. The worldwide financial crisis, triggered by borrowers’ failure to pay back the money to banks, is a typical example. Even family members and friends cheat each other, just for their respective benefits. For instance, my neighbor Mark was persuaded by his friend to buy an insurance product last month but it turned out he was cheated. Sample Writing As college students, we should realize the importance of credit and form a good habit of keeping our word. For instance, if we have credit cards, we should bear in mind paying debts on time. Whenever we make a promise, we should try to keep it. As long as we take credit seriously, we can be trust worthy.Part Ⅱ Skimming and Scanning一:浏览全文,把握主旨。二:扫描题干,抓住关键。三:定位原文, 解剖句子。四:比较选项,选定答案。Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)一:浏览全文,把握主旨。Farewell to Athens Medal Tally Epoch-making It’s all about the sport关于雅典运动会的情况,运动精神等方面。Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)二:扫描题干,抓住关键。1. Jodie Henry2. The first Olympic Games of the modern time3. China in 2004 Games4. Greece; in 2004 Games5. in Athens, 2004, T


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