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三清山旅游贸易集团旅游服务贸易发展原因及对策分析 及对策分析 论文独创性声明 本人声明,所呈交的学位论文系在导师指导下独立完成的研究成果。文中合法应用他人的成果,均已做出明确标注或得到许可。论文内容未包含法律意义上已属于他人的任何形式的研究成果,也不包含本人已用于其他学位申请的论文或成果。 本文如违反上述声明,愿意承担以下责任和后果: 交回学校授予的学士学位; 学校可在相关媒体上对本人的行为进行通报; 本文按照学校规定的方式,对因不当取得学位给学校造成的名誉损害,进行公开道歉; 本人负责因论文成果不实产生的法律纠纷。 论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 摘 要 三清山作为江西省第一个世界自然遗产,于 2008 年加入《世界遗产名录》,旅游业发展迅速,优势明显,但是同样存在不足。本文以三清山旅游产业发展集团有限公司为例,依照数据分析三清山旅游服务贸易的现状,分析三清山旅游服务贸易存在的旅游基础设施不完善、管理措施落实不到位、缺乏国际化服务体系、国际宣传力度不够等问题,找出其发展瓶颈,最后,针对三清山旅游服务贸易存在的问题,提出应对的策略,旨在发掘三清山旅游业增长面临的深层次挑战,寻找目前三清山旅游业发展的机遇,从而提出相应的发展对策,从而推动三清山旅游业持续稳定快速增长,以推动江西省旅游服务贸易的快速发展及江西省整体经济的腾飞。 【关键词】三清山;旅游服务贸易;发展原因;对策分析 Abstract San qing shan as the world natural heritage first in Jiangxi Province, joined the World Heritage List in 2008, the rapid development of tourism, have obvious advantages, but also disadvantages. In this paper, the development of San qing shan Tourism Industry Group Co. Ltd as an example, in accordance with the data analysis of the current situation of San qing shan tourism service trade, analysis the existing problems of San qing shan tourism service trade of tourism infrastructure is not perfect, the implementation of management measures are not in place, the lack of international service system, international propaganda is not enough, find out the bottleneck of the development, finally, in San qing shan problems of trade in tourism services, put forward a strategy to deal with, to explore deep-seated challenges San qing shan tourism growth faces, looking for the tourism development of San qing shan from the opportunity at present, and put forward corresponding countermeasures, so as to promote the tourism industry in San qing shan sustained rapid growth, in order to promote the rapid development of tourism service trade of Jiangxi province and Jiangxi Province as a whole economic take-off. 【Key Words】San qing shan; tourism service trade; reasons for development; countermeasu


zhaoqian1987 + 关注


