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目录 前言 5 1 死刑犯人格尊严概述 6 1.1 死刑犯人格尊严概念的界定 6 1.2 死刑犯人格尊严权的特点 6 1.3 死刑犯人格尊严的分类 7 2 国内外关于死刑犯人格尊严保护的研究现状 7 2.1国际和国外关于死刑犯人格尊严保护的研究 7 2.2国内关于死刑犯人格尊严保护的研究 8 3从具体案例剖析我国对死刑犯人格尊严保护的现状 9 3.1毒枭糯康被执行死刑 央视直播《诛枭》事件 9 3.2长沙市湖南大学公开宣判15名死刑犯事件 9 4侵犯死刑犯人格尊严的形式及原因剖析 11 4.1侵犯死刑犯人格尊严的形式 11 4.2侵犯死刑犯人格尊严原因剖析 11 4.2.1 对死刑犯人格尊严的侵犯重视不够 11 4.2.2立法缺陷 11 4.2.3死刑犯及家属对自身人格尊严、受到侵犯重视不够 12 4.2.4公民道德缺失,综合素质偏低 12 4.2.5政策制度和惩罚制度的的缺陷 12 5维护死刑犯人格尊严的具体措施 13 5.1立法层面、政策制度、惩罚制度的保障 13 5.2从程序上进行保障 14 5.3司法层面的保障 14 5.3.1严禁执行死刑时游街示众 14 5.3.2禁止公开宣判、视频播报、记者访问、节前宣判、执行 15 5.4观念层面的保障 15 5.5加强宣传教育 15 5.6保证死刑犯在行刑前的体面 16 5.7切记用民意绑架法律 16 5.8充分尊重死刑犯的选择 17 5.9为死刑犯提供心理咨询 17 结束语 18 参考文献 19 致谢 20 指导教师简介 21 死刑犯人格尊严的保护 黄玉萍 (西南林业大学人文学院 法学2009级 昆明 650224) 【摘要】死刑犯也是公民,人格尊严权是死刑犯的基本权利之一。随着我国经济和社会的不断发展、法律的不断完善,死刑犯人格尊严的保护渐渐进入学者和立法者的视野,但是无论是学术界还是司法界对于死刑犯的研究并不是很多即使有也较为零散缺乏系统性的论述To protect the dignity of death Huang Yuping (Humanity and social science department, Southwest Forestry College, Yunnan Kunming 650224) Abstract: the death penalty is also a citizen, the right to human dignity is one of the basic rights of prisoners sentenced to death. With the continuous development of Chinas economy and society, the law continues to improve, protect the dignity of death penalty gradually into the scholars and legislators horizon, but both academic and judicial circles for the protection of human dignity and the death penalty is not a lot of research, even though they are more scattered, the lack of systematic, for example say for the death dignity although some scholars also put forward some solutions for appropriate protection, but also the existence of different degrees of defects, does not address the real problem finally, mostly in concept, system, policy form, and has the force of law also has certain disparity, even if the Convention and law there are rules, only a decoration only, so how to protect the death dignity into effect is an important issue in academic circles and judicial circles and management of national front. T



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