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第一单元 By understanding how managers have solved problems and accomplished major feats throughout history, many different contributions of researcher and practitioners have resulted in different approaches to management, and these make up a “management theory jungle.” 通过理解经理解决问题和完成主要的本领,纵观历史,不同的研究者和实践者的贡献已经导致了不同的方法来管理,这些构成了“管理理论丛林” Frederick Wins low Taylor, the father of scientific management, was born on March 20, 1865, into an upper class liberal Philadelphia family. 弗雷德里克?温斯洛?泰勒科学管理之父,出生于1865年3月20日,进入上层阶级自由派费城的家庭 Taylor泰勒 Taylor’s core values are the rule of reason, improved quality, lower costs, higher wages, higher output, labor-management cooperation, experimentation, clear tasks and goals, feedback, training, mutual help and support, stress reduction, and the careful selection and development of people. 泰勒的核心价值观是理性原则,改进质量,降低成本,更高的工资,更高的产出,劳动管理合作,实验,明确任务和目标、反馈、培训、相互帮助和支持,减少压力,仔细选择和发展的人。 intuition /7?ntju(:)5?FEn/ n. 直觉, 直觉的知识 3. innovation /7?nE?5ve?FEn/ n. 创新, 革新, 改革 4. practitioner /prAk5t?FEnE/ n. 从业者, 开业者;实 践者; 从事者 6. motivated /5mE?t?ve?t?d/ adj. 有动机的,有根据的; 由……推动的 7. feat /fi:t/ n. 伟绩; 功劳 4. be derived from 从……中获得 8. deal with 应付, 对付; 处理;安排 The principles of management 管理原理 administrative responsibilities 管理责任 management theory jungle 管理理论丛林 Frederick Winslow Taylor 泰勒,弗雷德里克·温斯洛(1856-1915)美国发明家、工程师和效率专家,他因在工业工程学和管理上的革新而著名,被称为科学 管理之父。 Henri Fayol 亨利·法约尔(1841—1925),欧洲的一位极为杰出的经营管理思想家。古典管理理论的主要代表人之一,亦为管理过程学派的创始人。 1. As the philosopher S?ren Kierkegaard wrote, “Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived for forwards.” A. enjoyed B. spent C. promoted D. Looked 3. The experience and ideas of yesterday’s managers form the foundation for today’s prin-ciples of management. A. ground B. bottom C. base D. root 4. The knowledge that we apply to current problems is derived from the solutions to yesterday’s problems and challenges. A. results in B. originates in C. br


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