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摘要 摘要:改革开放以来我国的经济建设得到了长足发展,经济建设进入一个高速发展的时期,获取利润的能力最终决定了一个企业的价值,对企业获利能力的分析对一个企业来说有着至关重要的作用。本文就企业最关心的获利能力进行分析,通过收集美的电器财务信息,计算反映获利能力的财务比率数据(销售毛利率、营业利润率、净资产收益率)进行分析,对影响美的获利能力的因素进行探讨,进行比率分析,对其获利能力产生的影响并提出一系列的建议和措施。国内外许多学者都已经做过研究,本文在对相关书籍、期刊和相关论文阅读并整理后,对国内外已有的研究按其逻辑性以及内容重点进行简单的梳理,主要包括有获利能力分析的重要性及意义、分析方法等。 关键词:获利能力分析 财务报表 分析方法。 Abstract Abstract: since the reform and opening up Chinas economic construction has made considerable development, economic construction has entered a rapid development period, every enterprise wants to remain invincible in the fierce market competition, the capacity of profits ultimately decides an enterprises value, the analysis of corporate profitability is crucial to an enterprise. This paper analyses the enterprises are most concerned about the profitability of financial information, through the collection of electrical beauty, calculation of financial ratios data reflect the profitability ( sales gross margin, profit margin, return on total assets ) analysis, analysis of Mideas profitability and development prospect. To explore the factors affecting the profitability of beauty, ratio analysis, impact on the profitability and put forward some suggestions and measures a series. Many domestic and foreign scholars have done the research, based on the related books, journals and papers related to read and sort out, research both at home and abroad to carry on simple combing according to its logic and content focus, including profitability analysis, method of importance and significance. Keywords: profitability analysis The financial statements analytic methods 目 录 一、获利能力分析目的及意义 1 (一)、获利能力分析目的及意义 1 二、选取美的电器的目的和意义 2 (一)、选取目的和意义 2 三、美的电器的获利能力的指标分析 3 (一)、获利能力纵向分析 3 1、销售毛利率纵向分析 3 2、成本费用率纵向分析 6 3、净资产收益率纵向分析 8 (二)、获利能力横向比较分析 10 1、 销售毛利率横向分析 10 2、成本费用率横向分析 12 3、净资产收益率横向分析 13 五、美的电器财务分析结论 14 (一)、分析结论 14 1、销售收入水平 14 2、成本控制水平 15 3、股东收益水平 15 附录 17 文献综述 21 参考文献 30 致谢 33 一、获利能力分析目的及意义 获利能力分析是指企业或公司在一定时期内对本身经营活动中所赚取利润能力的分析,是企业通过一定的专业工具和方法技术来确定其经营业务或者某


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