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院系名称 经济与管理科学系 姓 名 号 专 业 指导教师 年月日:Abstract
With China - ASEAN Free Trade Area, Chinas economic and trade cooperation with ASEAN countries gradually deepened. Trade and economic complementarity between China and ASEAN and its member states is strong, large space, the two sides have urgent desire to enhance cooperation and common development, both companies increasingly optimistic about each others markets and investment opportunities. China - ASEAN Free Trade Area to both businesses and people bring tremendous benefits, and is developing a huge potential for the development of both.
In this paper, to accelerate the China - ASEAN Free Trade Area of the prospect, great realistic significance were analyzed aspects of the product structure of the current barriers that exist to attract foreign investment barriers, obstacles, economic and cultural aspects as well as Western countries discussed the issue of interference , and then propose to expand bilateral trade between China and ASEAN to strengthen trade and investment between China and ASEAN combine, and ASEAN countries to promote economic and technical cooperation to further promote Chinas amicable, secure and prosperous neighborhood surrounding foreign policy, actively and steadily handle sensitive Measures related issues.
Key Words: China-ASEAN FTA ;Regional economic integration ;Trade effects
目 录
1. 引 言 2
2. 中国-东盟自由贸易区的现状 2
2.1 中国与东盟双边贸易快速增长 2
2.2 中国与东盟双方投资日益增多 3
2.3 对外承包工程成为对东盟贸易增长的亮点 3
3. 中国-东盟自贸区发展中存在的问题 4
3.1产品结构方面的问题 4
3.2东盟成员国经济发展水平的差异和经贸结构的雷同化 4
3.3西方国家的竞争与干扰 4
3.4双方消费者产品品牌认知存在盲区 5
4. 中国-东盟自由贸易区的经济学分析 5
4.1实现双方资源互补 5
4.2加强产业内分工合作 6
4.3产生投资扩大效应 6
5. 中国-东盟自由贸易区的发展前景展望 7
5.2 双方合作仍有较大开发空间 7
5.3双方的贸易将有更大的增长,贸易结构进一步合理化 8
5.4 双方的相互直接投资将逐步扩大 8
5.5 经济合作领域将日益拓宽 8
6. 中国-东盟自由贸易区的现实意义 9
6.1中国-东盟自由贸易区的政治意义 9
6.2中国-东盟自由贸易区的经济意义 10
6.2.1 使双方获得“贸易创造”效益 10
6.2.2 使双方获得投资增长效益 10
6.2.3 使双方获得规模经济效益 10
6.2.4 推动双方经济发展 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
引 言