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、 阅读出题点与细节题 秘诀9:找到信息点后核对选项,发现照抄原文的不是答案,同义替换的通常是答案,有时结合答案特征,发现的更快! Tanni’s enduring success had been part motivation(动机), part preparation, “The training I do that enables me to be a good sprinter(短跑运动员) enables me to be good at a marathon too. I train 50 weeks of the year and that keeps me prepared for whatever distance I want to race…. I am still competing at a very high lever, but as I get older things get harder and I want to retire before I fall apart.” 58. The underlined word “that” in the 5th paragraph refers to _______. (此题容易错选 A ,但正确答案是 C ,怎样避开陷阱?) A. fifty weeks’ training B. being a good sprinter C. training almost every day D. part motivation and part preparation 阅读文章结构、题材与推论题 推论题秘诀3: 没有中心句(中心词四选项都有),尾段也没有核对点,则找出题点核对! 【2012福建卷B篇】 At exactly eleven Sir Percival knocked and entered, with anxiety and worry in every line of his face. This meeting would decide his future life,and he obviously knew it. You may wonder, Sir Percival,’’ said Laura calmly, “if I am going to ask to be released (免除)from my promise to marry you. I am not going to ask this. I respect my fathers wishes too much.“ His face relaxed a little, but one of his feet kept beating the carpet. No, if we are going to withdraw.(退出)from our planned marriage, it will be because of your wish, not mine. “Mine?” he said in great surprise. “What reason could I have for withdrawing?’ A reason that is very hard to tell you, she answered. There is a change in me. ” His face went so pale that even his lips lost their color. He turned his head to one side. What change? he asked, trying to appear calm. “ When the promise was made two years ago, ” she said, my love did not belong to anyone. Will you forgive me, Sir Percival, if I tell you that it now belongs to another person?” “I wish you to understand, “ Laura continued, “that I will never see this person again, and that if you leave me, you only allow mc to remain a single woman for the rest of my life. All I ask is that yo


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