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运输方式选择 Transport by sea is the most important mode of transportation in the world today. 海运是目前世界上最重要的一种运输方式。 Usually, it is cheaper to have the goods sent by sea than by railway. ] 通常,海运较陆运便宜。 For such a big order, we propose to have the goods dispatched by sea. 数量如此多的货物,我们建议走海运。 Please have the goods transported by air. 请空运此批货。 To move the goods by railway is quicker. However, we dont think it is proper to transport the goods by railway. 铁路运输较快。但是,我们认为此货不适合用铁路运输。 Can you have them sent by railway? 能采用陆运方式吗? We have arranged to transport the goods you purchased by rail. 我们已安排用火车运输你们所购货物。 We would prefer to have the goods carried by road and not by railway. 我们宁愿用公路运输而不用铁路。 通知货物已装运发出 We will try our utmost to ship your goods by S.S. “Peace” and it is due to arrive at Hamburg on May 8. 我方会尽力将你方订货装上“和平号”货轮,并于5月8日抵达汉堡。 We advise you that we have forwarded today to New York, addressed to you, for shipment per S.S “peace”. 兹通知我公司已于今日将下列货物装“和平号”货轮,运往纽约,并以贵公司为收货人。 As per your letter of February 16th, we have today delivered the goods under your order No.345 by S.S. “Hawaii” to Honolulu. 按照贵方2月16日来信指示,我方已于今日将345订单项下的货物装“夏威夷号”运往火努鲁鲁。 We have pleasure in informing you that the shipment of 2,000 tons Chemical Fertilizer will be effected by the S.S. “Dong Feng” which is scheduled to leave here on 13th, March. 我们很高兴通知贵方,2000吨的化肥已装上“东风号”,预计将于3月13日抵达。 We inform you of having forwarded a container of Chinese rice by “Victoria”, freight paid. 我们已将一集装箱中国大米装“维多利亚号”发运,运费已付,特此通知。 We have pleasure in notifying you that the goods under your Order No.897 have been dispatched by S.S Wilson sailing on May 8 for Liverpool. 兹通知贵方,订单897项下的货物已于5月8日装“威尔逊”货轮,开往利物浦。 The shipment covering your order will go forward on S.S Princess. 你方订单项下的货物将由“公主号”货轮运出。 We are pleased to inform you that the goods under your Order No.1234 were shipped by the direct steamer “Red Star” on Nov.30, and the relevant shipping samples had been dispatched to you by air before the steamer sailed.


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