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服务类广播词 欢迎词 女士们、先生们: 早上好!欢迎您选乘XX航空公司XX航班前往XX。 本次航班的机长是XX,乘务长是XX。 我们的旅程即将开始,请您系好安全带,为了避免干扰驾驶舱内的飞行仪器,请关闭手机等电子设备。 祝您旅途愉快。谢谢! WELCOEM Good morning,Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome aboard XX,flight XX to XX. The captain on this flight is XX and the Chief Purser is XX. As we are preparing for take-off,please fasten your seatbelt and confirm that your electronic devices such as mobile phone have been switched off. Wish you have a good journey! Thank you! 安全演示 SAFETY PROGRAM 女士们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen, 现在客舱乘务员向您介绍救生衣、氧气面罩、安全带的使用方法和应急出口的位置。 We aill now explain the use of the life vest,oxygen mask and seatbelt,and show you the location of the emergency exits. 救生衣在您座椅下面的口袋里,使用时取出,经头部穿好。 Your life vest is located under your seat.To put the vest on,slip it over your head. 将带子从后向前扣好、系紧。 Fasten the buckles and pull the straps tightly around your waist. 然后打开充气阀门,但在客舱内不要充气。 To inflate the vest,pull down firmly on the tabs.But do not inflate in the cabin. 充气不足时,请将救生衣上部两个人工充气管拉出,用嘴向里充气。 If your vest needs further inflation,you can pull out the mouth-pieces from either side of the upper part of the vest and blow into the tubes. 氧气面罩储藏在您座椅上方,发生紧急情况时面罩会自动脱落。 Your oxygen mask is located in a compartment above your head.It will drop automatically if oxygen is needed. 氧气面罩脱落后,请用力向下拉面罩。 Pull the mask firmly toward you to start the flow of xoygen. 将面罩罩在口鼻处,把带子套在头上进行正常呼吸。 Place the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your head. Within a few seconds,the oxygen will begin to flow. 在您座位上各有两条可以对扣起来的安全带,将带子插进带扣,然后拉紧。 There are two pieces of belt on your seat.To fasten the belt,slip it into the buckles and pull tightly. 当您就座时,请系好安全带。 Please keep your seatbelt fastened securely when you are seated. 本架飞机共有6个应急出口,分别位于前部、后部和中部,请不要随意拉动应急窗口手柄。 There are 6 emergency exits on this aircraft.They are located in the front,the rear and the mid-cabin. 在客舱通道上及出口处还有应急照明指示灯,在应急撤离时请按指示路线撤离飞机。 In the event of an evacuation,emergency floor-lights will illuminate a darkened cabin,lead


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